Welcome to the St.Andrew’s Maths Hub !
“Maths is not the answer to a question, it is the journey you have taken to get to the answer.”
KS2 Lunch Time Problem Solving Club
2024 2025 Academic Year
This year will see the Maths lead begin an NPQ in Maths Leadership, continued participation in the local Maths Hub and introduction of 'Go Green' certificates from TT Rockstars. Participation in the TT Rockstars MTC Hub and use of Heatmaps are also being used to help motivate pupils to improve the fluency of their times tables.
The school are committed to Maths interventions through pre-teach and post lesson booster sessions in order to make sure pupils keep up and not catch up.
2023 2024 Academic Year
This academic year saw the school continue its participation with the Teaching for Mastery programme with CODE Maths Hub. The year long programme saw St. Andrew's work with a range of other local schools to promote Maths Mastery through quality first teaching. A learning walk with the course lead proved very positive for the school with excellent examples of stem sentences, questioning and mastery practices embedded throughout all year groups.
A Year 2 to Year 6 pupil survey was carried out with the results used to help the Maths Action Plan for the next academic year.
Suggested free maths websites.
Core math web sites
Maths calculation videos coming soon.