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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Autumn Term 2024

Where We Live

Big Question: What does it mean to belong to a diverse community? 

This term we will explore: 


The human and physical geography of the local environment;learn about historically significant people of Plymouth; consider people who live and work in our local community; carry out science investigations based on the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’; and study the art work of Brian Pollard.

22.11.24: We walked to Central Library to listen to stories and choose our own books to take back to class.

We visited the Hoe today to look at statues ready for our history learning about significant individuals in Plymouth’s past.

In Science today we used batteries and wires to light up a bulb. Some children worked out that if we use two batteries we get a brighter light but if we use two bulbs we get a dimmer light. 

In Science we have been looking at micro-habitats. We looked through the garden and talked about what different bugs would need in their own bug hotel. 

Year 2 had fun applying gymnastics skills on a range of equipment.

Ukulele lesson 1

Still image for this video
We have learnt a song ‘Greedy caterpillars eat alone’, to help us remember GCEA strings.

A trip up Smeaton’s Tower and a walk on the Hoe.
