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Year 3


Year 3 Spring Term 2023

Theme: Roman Invaders!

Big Question: What is legacy? How do we see the Roman legacy today?


Happy New Year and welcome back to an exciting, action packed Spring term! The children have returned refreshed from their Christmas break and have kicked off the New Year with enthusiasm. 


Our new curriculum topic for the term is ‘Roman Invaders. Travelling back in time to the great Roman empire, children will learn about the invasion of Britain, the lives of the Romans & their beliefs. Our class novel in English this term is part of The Roman Mysteries Series: The Thieves of Ostia by Caroline Lawrence- we will be using this fantastic story to inspire the children’s writing.


THE Y3 Class Assembly is on Wednesday 5th March


Year 3 Autumn Term 2024

Theme:  Back to the Stone Age!

Big Question How did Britain change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age? Why is it important to be resilient? 


Welcome back! I hope that you had a relaxing summer break and took advantage of the quality family time that you had together. The sun showed its face a few times! I am so excited to be staying in Y3 and teaching this class for the first time as their KS2 journey begins! This year I am joined in class by my teaching assistant, Ms Turner, who will supporting Y3 and helping the children with their transition to ‘the juniors’. Mrs King will teach the class every Friday for my PPA and Assistant Headteacher leadership cover.


Our exciting curriculum theme for this Autumn term is ‘Back to the Stone Age!’. We aim to bring this theme alive for the children by creating some stimulating ‘hands on’ experiences for them. They will learn how life was back in the Stone Age through the use of role play/drama, story-telling, art, research and dance. The children will also use their DT skills to create various tools, weapons and jewellery. We will have Stone Age themed days in school where the children will be able to wear costumes and take part in some Stone Age cookery and raft building. So much to look forward to! 

The Y3 Class Assembly will take place on WEDNESDAY 16th OCTOBER at 9.10am in the school hall. 

The curriculum letter and poster for this term can be found below:


Stone Age Cave Art Planning

Stone Age Soup Tasting, Archery and Fire-Pit

Designing and Making Stone Age Jewellery Part 1: Using Clay

Designing and Making Stone Age Jewellery Part 2: Painting

Harvest Festival 2024

Year 3 song.MOV

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