Welcome to the Spring term
'The Winds of Change'
How can we learn from our ancestors?
How might that learning direct our future?
Welcome back to an exciting term where we will explore the rich culture of China and its Shang dynasty though History, Geography and English. Building on the Autumn term, we will use our topic, Winds of Change, to answer the question: How can we learn from our ancestors? To help us explore other cultures and traditions we will be reading a variety of inspiring whole class reads: The Willow Pattern Story, The Kite Rider and Malala Yousafzai’s autobiography.
Initial stages of Year 6's redevelopment project
This week, Year 6 embarked on an exciting project aimed at transforming neglected areas of their local community into vibrant, active spaces. Many of these areas are currently run-down, fenced off, or unused. Driven by their passion for their community, the Year 6 students have started brainstorming potential solutions. Following initial discussions, they took a walk to visually inspect and measure the areas in question.
As the project evolves organically, several key activities are already planned. These include creating scaled drawings, engaging in design technology, and producing a variety of written pieces such as descriptions, persuasive texts, narratives, historical reports, opinions, poetry, and posters. The team is incredibly enthusiastic about the project!
The children have really enjoyed learning some of the key skills in hockey, and our P.E. ambassadors have been very effective taking the warm ups - well done Fred and George!
Art - Chinese Proverbs
Dictionary work
The children really enjoyed the first chapter of The Kite Rider - they were gripped by Haoyou's account of his father's tragic death. The vocabulary was challenging so their first task was to find definitions and use the words in sentences. Ask your children to share some of their new vocabulary with you!
Tai Chi
Art Afternoons - Exploring different cultures through art:
This term will be using part of the afternoons to explore different styles of art from around the world. Although it is a slight deviation from our main topic, it adds to the children's knowledge of different artists and cultures and allows time for teaching staff to carry out booster sessions to help consolidate learning in Maths and English. We started off the programme with a look at Aboriginal art. Next up was Maori Art.
Welcome to the Autumn Term
Our topic this term is:
Small Steps For Mankind.
Our question to answer is:
What can we learn from the past to guide our future?
Last Day of Term
Well done to all of Year 6 for working so hard this term but stand-awards go to Princess, Vivian and Jasper.
Well done for persevering and being so resilient all term!
Christmas Mufti Day
Christmas Performance
Year 6 & the whole school were incredible. They put on an amazing performance and should all be proud of themselves. Year 6 Rocked out to 'Ralph is a Rusty Robot and Robot Rock' (music below)
Christmas Tree Decorations Winners
Making Christmas Cards
Developing Tag Rugby knowledge and skills
Science: Investigating Light
Well done Year 6, 5, 4 and 3 who took part in the TT Rockstars ‘England Rocks’. Well done to those who also got their ‘Go Green’ certificate.
Year 6 made a solid start to the National TT Rockstars 'England Rocks' Tournament
Science - Space, Earth and the Moon
In Science Year 6 have been studying the interaction between the Sun, Earth and the Moon; they have been investigating how the Earth rotates and orbits the Sun and how this creates the illusion that the Sun moves, how shadows are formed and altered, and why we have night and day.
Well done to Brooke, George and David for receiving end of term awards!
Class Assembly, 23rd October 2024
The Year 6s excelled themselves. Within two days they planned their assembly, wrote it and practiced it; they showed their maturity, respect and consideration towards each other and gave very a consummate performance - well done!
Space Porthole Art Inspired by David Hardy
Christmas Designs
Designs have now been sent home for you to choose mugs, cards, tea towels etc.
Following ideas and inspirations within the theme of 'Trees', the children were left to their own creativity. There were some very striking creations.
Harvest Assembly 2024
The whole school put on a FANTASTIC 'Around the World' Harvest assembly. The dancing, singing and presentation from foundation to Year 6 were entertaining and very informative. All the children were credit to the school and local community.
Following on from National Poetry Day, Year 6 performed a poem by British poet Imtias Dharker: 'How to Cut a Pomegranate'.
Space Calling!
Year 6 were lucky enough to take part in a live chat with a NASA doctor who discussed his journey into the world of medical science and the vast amount of engineering opportunities that are available. Josef Schmid even answered one of our pupils questions!
Aiden in Year 6 had his question (in slide show above) answered by NASA surgeon Josef Schmid.
National Poetry Day 2024
To celebrate National Poetry Day, Year studied and performed a poem by British poet, Imtiaz Dharker: How to Cut a Pomegranate. Imtiaz was born in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan and grew up in Glasgow where her family moved when she was an infant.
Year 6 will be performing for the school at the Harvest Assembly on 9th October.
As part of our DT learning this term, we have been learning to sew on buttons. We all had a go and managed to see at least one button onto some fabric, a life skill which we were excited to learn! Next we’ll be applying this skill to our own designs. Watch this space for updates!
Researching Ancient Benin
Year 6 have been busy this week researching their History unit. To enhance their exploration of the topic, we received a delivery of books from the school library service, along with new school resources, including replica artifacts.
We had some fantastic presentations for the School Council - well done to all involved!
Physical Education
The children have been learning a range of skills and developing their agility, balance and coordination through netball and football. On Mondays we are lucky enough to have a secondary school teacher from Stoke Damerel Community College visit and share their expertise with the staff and children.
Polaris Dawn
"Back at home we all have a lot of work to do, but from here, Earth sure looks like a perfect world."
The children watched highlights of the first commercial space walk from the SpaceX website. They discussed this quote from Jared Isaacman, what it meant to them and maybe what inspired him to say it. They then wrote their independent ideas down and read them aloud, before making final edits.
Year 6 2024 2025