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Year 5


Citius, Altius, Fortius

Big Question: What  will be your legacy?



This term, Year 5 have been carefully reproducing plates inspired by Ancient Greek designs using their fine skills and creative flair with clay and watercolour paints.

STEAMfest Mission Mammoth: Following a recent visit and interactive creative workshop at THE BOX, Year 5 had the pleasure of a visiting architect who inspired our class to collaboratively design and build a mammoth house model for 'George and Mildred' using recycled materials.

Welcome to the Summer term!


Welcome back, everyone! We hope you had a restful break, and enjoyed some time doing lovely things with friends and family (and enjoying some chocolate, of course!) We are feeling refreshed and well rested, and are raring to go with this exciting summer term! You have already been impressing us this week, and have clearly returned to school with your trademark work ethic, respectful behaviour and impeccable manners. 


Our theme this term is Citius, Altius, Fortius and our Big Question is ‘What  will be your legacy?’ Our theme focuses on Ancient Greece, and we will be studying many aspects of what life was like in Ancient Greece. From politics to sport, medicine to art, we will find out just how many aspects of life as we know it have been influenced by Ancient Greek achievements and discoveries. 


Spring term



BRITTANY FERRIES - This term, as part of the Widening Horizons, Year 5 returned to Millbay Harbour to explore the ferry port and gain an insight into the operations and many job roles within Brittany Ferries.

EDEN PROJECT VISIT - As part of our 'Down in the Jungle' theme this term, Year 5, together with Year 6, visited the spectacular Eden Project near St Austell. Both classes attended some engaging workshops centred around the rainforest biome, closely linked to our current Geography and Science objectives. The children considered what is the most essential items needed to survive and adapt to living in the rain-forest, before exploring first hand the importance of plants to provide native tribes with food, shelter and medicines.

📚 World Book Day 2022 📚 

CATTEWATER HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS: Our first trip of the new term took us back down to Plymouth Barbican for yet another exciting and enriching trip within Widening Horizons. Year 5 had the wonderful opportunity to meet the Harbour Master Captain Richard Allen and his staff, to gain an insight to the multitude of job opportunities within the Barbican, alongside the history of the port and the day to day running of a busy commercial harbour. Our class also were informed all about the import and export of goods to and from Plymouth, safety and conservation features and whatsmore, a tour of a tug boar then an exclusive boat trip around Plymouth Sound.

Home learning 18.2.22

As you know, school will be closed today (18th February) due to the storm. Below you will find some home learning tasks for you to work through today. Please complete what you can. 

Maths lesson 18/2/22

This lesson builds on the learning we did yesterday. Yesterday we looked at dividing 4 digit numbers, where there were no remainders. Today we continue with the same method, but there will be remainders. 

If you were working on dividing 2 or 3 digit numbers yesterday, have a go at the dividing by 3 digit number task today. 

If you would like an extra task to do, I have included a division problem solving task. Have a go at that IN ADDITION to the main task if you want to. This is an optional extra.

Writing lesson 18/2/22

For your writing home learning task, I would like you to watch the video all about parenthesis and read through the information. Please have a go at activities one and two on the webpage attached. 

Once you have accessed the website and completed the 2 activities, choose your level for the writing task (level 1 is the eaisest option, level 4 is the most complex). There are instructions at the start of each page, but essentially you have to edit the sentences to include parenthesis. Level 1 gives a suggestion for what to include within the parentheses. 

If you would like an additional task, can you write a short story including parenthesis?

Geography lesson 18/2/22

Your geography home learning task is to learn about biomes of the world. Have a look through the powerpoint, and then the biome fact files which are attached. 
Once you have read through the information, create a google slides presentation to summarise the biomes of the world.

Additional geography lessons 18/2/22

This material is only to be accessed after you have completed the first geography lesson set today. 

If you would like some additional work to complete, follow the link and access any of the lessons which are all related to biomes of the world. Can you find out any new facts?

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2022.

Year 5 have returned refreshed, excited and ready to explore our Spring Term topic

Please see our latest newsletter and curriculum poster for details.


WAMS Teddy Bear Hospital Zoom: Year 5 were recently given the fortunate opportunity to engage directly with 2nd and 3rd Year medical students and trainee doctors from the University of Plymouth. This Widening Horizons event enabled our class to learn about how particular organs function and names of certain bones within the body, alongside hand washing routines and health tips to minimise to spread of germs and viruses. The Q & A sessions also revealed a great insight into the varied roles and qualities required for a career within the medical profession.

Kier 360 immersive theatre experience at Market Hall, Devonport - This term as part of our Widening Horizons enrichment programme, we had the pleasure of being the first class to experience a virtual tour and insight to the many and varied roles within Kier Construction. Our class was also shown an exclusive newly created multi-dimensional space video.

MSubs visit - an exclusive part of our Widening Horizons enrichment programme

This February saw Year 5 take part in the very first Widening Horizons trip to MSubs of Estover. Our pupils had exclusive access, behind the scenes, to witness job roles of the submarine manufacturer, including an insight to design, engineering, testing and safety procedures involved.


We have had so much fun this afternoon, celebrating Christmas with a VE day themed party. There was cake, lemonade and dancing; what more could we ask for? We hope you all have a wonderful break, filled with joy and peace. 

Merry Christmas, everyone! 

A few snaps of our VE day themed Christmas party!

SHHH... The Walls Have Ears


We welcome back our new Year 5 class to an exciting term

ahead, focused around our World War 2 Topic theme.

Friday 16th November- World War 2 Day

Wow! What a fun day, filled with exciting, hands on learning opportunities! We were having so much fun with our action packed day, that I only managed to get a few photos, but I'm sure Year 5 will be happy to talk to you about what wehave been up to.

Year 5 even managed to perform a Lindy Hop extravaganza for Year 6, after only 4 weeks of lessons! It was spectacular! 

History field-trip to The Box.

History trip to THE BOX: As part of our WW2 topic theme Y5 & Y6 visited THE BOX to explore Plymouth's rich heritage, with a particular focus on the role the city and its people had in the Second Word War. Our children had some great opportunities to examine archive materials and use detective skills when examining genuine artifacts from that time period.

Homework task- 12.11.21

This week we have been learning about relative clauses. Your homework task is to follow the link below, watch the video and complete the short quiz (5 questions). 

You then have to rewrite the sentences, including a relative clause in each one. There are 16 sentences to choose from, you must complete at least 10. You may complete all 16 if you would like to. 


Remember, each relative clause will start with a relative pronoun: who, which, that, when, where, whose, whom. 

Please write the sentences either on a Google docs, or in your homework book.

Homework task- 5.11.21


In dance this week we have started learning the Lindy Hop, and I have been very impressed by your enthusiasm! This week your homework is to watch the videos attached, and see if you can have a go at any of the moves with a friend or family member. 


There is nothing for you to submit or hand in, but I would love to hear about how you get on!  


Have fun! 

The Lindy-Hop-A-Thon Group Dance - BBC Strictly 2018

Stream Strictly LIVE on BBC iPlayer 💃🕺 and 🔔 to BBC Strictly ✨ and 🔔 to BBC 👉 https://bi...

