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Welcome back, we hope you all had a restful break. We have lots planned for this half term.


Summer Term Letter

Spring 2024 letter

Our theme is Superheroes, we have started by making our own.

We have been talking about growing and changing, we have planted some seeds and bulbs.



Autumn Term 2023


We have been very busy in our class making new friends and discovering lots of activities.
Sharing stories has been one of our favourite occupations and we have been listening to and making up our own rhyming word strings. We acted out the story of ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. At St.Andrew’s School we use the Twinkl phonics scheme.
Our theme this half term is ‘Marvellous Me’ we have talked about the foods that we love to eat and the things we can do to keep us healthy. 
In our maths sessions we have been making repeating patterns with words, actions and cubes. We have also been subitising. Subitising is the ability to recall a number of objects without needing to count them individually.

Our activities are shared with the parents via Tapestry.


Police Visit

We had a visit from a police officer. He told us all about how he helps people. He showed us the equipment he carries and we heard the car’s siren.

Carol singing

The children went to Wesley Court to sing carols to the residents.



We will be completing the government's baseline assessment, further information can be found at:

