Home Page

Parent Support

Parents of Year 1 and Year 2 please come along to this free workshop on Wednesday 29th January at 2.30pm for ideas on how to support your child with reading!

Please follow this link for some wonderful FREE courses for parents in the Plymouth area. All courses have been pre-paid and offer fantastic advice and support on a range of subjects from nurturing babies to parenting teenagers, as well as looking after our own emotional health as adults.


                                                             Find us on Facebook! 

   Search: St Andrews Primary Plymouth Parents Page

Information about advice, help and support services in Plymouth

This page contains information on services and organisations that can offer parents and families support

Here is a short list of the links and information that can be found if you scroll down this page:


Plymouth Online Directory

Supporting Good Mental Health

Local Family Hubs - including latest events and information

Citizen's Advice

Family Matters


Place2Be: Parenting advice

Family Lives helpline

NSPCC (including navigating puberty for older children, including those with special educational needs)

Plymouth Information and Advice and Support for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (PIAS)

Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service

Routeways, including In Other Words

Shelter housing charity

Christians Against Poverty

Plymouth Energy Community

Jeremiah's Journey

Primary Times

Links to documents including Money Worries, Plymouth Together

Plymouth Online Directory

Plymouth Online Directory is the main place to find information about what services exist across Plymouth for everyone - including children and their families. It has lots of information, support and advice, including Special Educational Needs (SEND/SEN), social care, support with employment and money, and health services.

Click HERE to visit the Plymouth Online Directory


Plymouth Online Directory Homepage

Supporting Good Mental Health

Family Hubs

The local Family Hubs have a huge number of services, activities, workshops and support on offer. 


General Information

For more information about Family Hub support and about the services across Plymouth to support families and children, visit this link: Plymouth Family Hub Information They also have a Facebook page.


Closest Family Hub centres

There are Family Hubs across the city, the nearest Family Hub base to St. Andrew's School is the Green Ark Family Hub (1 Fore Street, Devonport, PL1 4DW). There is also a Children's Centre on Manor Street, just off Union Street too, which is an emerging part of the Family Hubs service.

For specific information about the nearest Hubs to us at St. Andrew's, visit the Action for Children site at Action for Children Green Ark and Manor Street Information (the site is under development, but has links to the Facebook page and the contact details for the Hub). 


December 2024 Information

Citizen's Advice Plymouth

Free information and guidance regarding benefits/tax credits, consumer, employment, housing, legal, money/debt, relationships, tax and water gateway.

Citizen's Advice Plymouth Website

Family Matters 

Free Family Counselling Service

Family Matters Website

CAMHS - Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Lots of resources from the local Mental Health team aimed at children and young people. Have a look if you would like more information about support for any mental health issues.

CAMHS Website


CAMHS Padlet


Livewell Crisis Information

Place2Be: Parenting Smart

Parenting advice from our child mental health experts. Practical tips to support children's well-being and behaviour. Browse the articles for answers to some common parenting questions.


Place2Be Website

Family Lives

Family Lives offers a confidential and free* helpline (and online chat) service for families in England and Wales for emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life.

Family Lives Website



If you're worried about a child or need advice and support during these challenging times, we're still here to help. There is also a puberty guide for children, including children with additional needs on this page.

NSPCC Website 

Plymouth Information and Advisory Service for Special Educational Needs (PIAS)

Tired of tantrums? Struggling with teens? Internationally recognised parenting programmes delivered by PIAS, giving you the tools and confidence to deal with challenging behaviour. 

PIAS Website


Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service 

PDAS Website


Routeways provides valuable support to enable individuals, families, and communities to overcome barriers caused by disadvantage.

Routeways Website

In Other Words (run by Routeways)


In Other Words Webpage


Free, expert advice on issues such as homelessness, rent arrears and what to do if your rented home is in need of repair.

Shelter Website

Christians Against Poverty 

Services, which are all run through local churches, provide practical and emotional support to people experiencing poverty, debt, unemployment and addiction.

Christians Against Poverty Website

Plymouth Energy Community 

Our Energy Team offer a free to all advice service to support people with energy issues in Plymouth.


Plymouth Energy Community Website


Jeremiah's Journey 

Our bereavement support charity aims to ensure that children, young people and their parents/carers in Plymouth and the immediate surrounding area have support at a sad and difficult time.


Jeremiah's Journey Website





Primary Times

Primary School Magazine with information of 'What's On,' competitions and news in the local area for children and families


Primary Times Website


