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Year 5


Welcome to the Summer Term! This term's topic these for Year 5 centres round the Ancient Greeks and will explore their culture and history through a range of literature and the arts, alongside their legacy and contributions they have given to our modern world, in order to answer our big question: What will be your legacy? Browse at our curriculum poster and letter below for further detail.

DT - Completion of Bug Hotels: Just before the end of the Summer term, our pupils, with great determination and teamwork, finally finished, and evaluated then located their uniquely designed bug hotels in situ. These were mostly made from recycled wood offcuts and naturally found resources, which now are installed within the school's pond and garden area ready fro nature's inhabitants to move in.

Stoke Dameral Community College visit: Our class was recently given an insight to in Year 7 at SDCC after a visit from their Head of Year, who informed our pupils about the clubs available, trips, daily routines and overall expectations.

Science: We have been exploring properties of materials in class, identifying the correct state of matter and considering if a solid, liquid or gas is impure or pure. We also have examined certain materials to you see if they mix and consider why they do or why not. We observed what happened mixing oil and water, then added soap. Our class explored formulation, using specific repeated quantities of materials - considering the outcome if incorrect proportions are used to scale up or down. We also carried out a series of experiments to find the best and most efficient way to separate a mixture, for example, filtration, sieving, using a magnet or evaporation.

SPIRITUALITY WEEK 2024: Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed and engaged within all the rotated activities at St Andrews - a unique opportunity to be taught by every teacher, exploring spiritual based themes through art, craft, poetry and dance. In the Year 5 classroom we focussed on 'wise words', exploring meaningful song lyrics, representing them in various graffiti fonts following the concept of shape poetry.- more images to follow.

Widening Horizons Graduation Ceremony at City College: Last week, Year 5 had the honour of receiving a certificate and an 'awesomeness' book on behalf of the Millfield's Trust to acknowledge their efforts throughout the year. Our class did us proud representing the school with outstanding behaviour and gratitude. Furthermore, so many engaged directly with the motivational speaker, Doaa, a potential future Paralympian and already successful athlete based in Plymouth.

NSPCC Workshop; This week, as follow up to our whole school assembly, Year 5 received a special workshop by NSPCC representatives. It focussed on their rights as children and choices they can make themselves to stay safe at all times, alongside the support Childline can offer them.

Widening Horizons: Our final Millfield's Inspired experience took us to their own HQ building in Stonehouse, for a unique STEM based challenge courtesy of Babcock. In teams, using lego, Year 5 carried out a manufacturing and quality control based mission. A big focus was on working collaboratively and efficiently to increase production within a tight deadline. This was a great real life scenario for our class to engage with.

Greek Gallery of the Gods - Here is Year 5's final completed traditional Greek Hydria designs (now on display in our corridor).. Showcased recently in our class assembly, they really are outstanding using authentic colours, patterns and themes. Some children chose to carefully paint with watercolours whilst others preferred to render in detail, using coloured pencils.

DT: Just recently, as the weather has improved, Year 5 have taken the opportunity to get outside to complete their Bug Hotels that they began last term Working in groups, using recycled materials, they have continued to bring their designs to life. Collaboratively, they have accurately and carefully used a variety of construct their unique builds.

POETRY: During the rare moments of good weather, our class took the opportunity for some outdoor learning. In groups, they recited the Free Verse poem 'Den to Let' in a manner they wished, making variations of volume, pitch, intonations and body language to express themselves and bring the poem alive - especially the childish humour.

Orienteering: In PE, this our class tested a new Orienteering Scheme, exploring a lesson which coincided with our Position and Direction objectives in our Maths, linked to using co-ordinates. Children were assigned various roles to direct each-other on a grid and mentally calculate the vaules of the route.

Art: Year 5 have spent the last few weeks, observing and sketching Ancient Greek Water Jars (HYDRIAS), focussing on the historic mythological themes, silhouette figures and repeated patterns. Our class have traced and sketched freehand to explore then compose their own designs using authentic colour and content.

RNLI VISIT: On Friday 26th April, Year 5 and 6 had a most informative visit from two local lifegaurds to explain all about beach safety; how to enjoy their time at the beach or when in the sea, whilst remaining safe at all times.

City College Student Coaches: Our second active and sporting treat to the new term continued with some assistance from PE students from Plymouth City College. Our children were guided through some team reaction warm ups prior to some throwing and catching skills, before a fast and furious game of rounders!

Cricket coaching: Year 5 has had an active start to our term with a visit from Jack of Devon Cricket, introducing a new variation of this traditional Summer season sport .

'Down in the Jungle'

Welcome back after the Christmas break to the Spring Term in Year 5, where we will

explore a variety of topics centred primarily around rainforests and South American climate and culture under the theme Down in the Jungle in order to answer the big question: 

What is the environmental impact of mankind? 

Click the links below to view our curriculum letter and poster:

Widening Horizons: Trip to Market Hall and the Immersive 360 dome cinema - Our class recently visited Market Hall in Devonport, courtesy to Real Ideas to learn the history of the building and how the premises has been adapted to serve the community for social, work and entertainment purposes. The children were then treated to series of special made films using a 360 degree camera alongside computer generated digital animations for a immersive experience, alongside an insight to the many creative career opportunities available.

Widening Horizons: Cattewater Harbour Commissioners - Year 5 had the exclusive opportunity of an audience with the Harbour Master and his team to gain an insight to the running of a busy port, from the goods imported and exported, to a guided tour of the safety features of their tug and pilot boats. Our class was also given the chance to ask questions about the different job roles and career paths that the staff have participated within. A real treat for Year 5 was a chartered boat cruise across Plymouth Sound and along the Tamar, taking in the historical and commercial viewpoint of a working harbour, marina and dockyard.

ART: Creating an 'Arpillera' landscape using textiles, based on their observation drawings of the native flora and fauna to recreate the unique folk art style of Peruvian women working on the land, within the shadows of the Andes.

Watch these short clips of Year 5's cartwheels:

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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

PE: Gymnastics - Year 5 have continued to develop and perfect a range travelling sequences involving hurdle jump and vault leaps, that focus on a controlled takes, body symmetry whilst travelling through the air and a safe landing. Likewise, they have similarly applied technique to produce a hopping jump take off that moves into a neat rotation of a cartwheel, with a range of landing and finishing positions.

PE: As part of our recent Gymnastic sequence lessons, Year 5 have been exploring a variety of body stretches and ways of travelling to and from the 'pike' position using jumps/dives that incorporate forward and backward rolls, focusing on neat controlled and symmetrical movements.

Widening Horizons: Recently, our class visited the medical students (WAMS) at Plymouth University to gain an insight to anatomy, good hygiene and how our body's work; including monitoring aspects about our circulation system

Bike-a-bility - Year 5 this February are learning to ride confidently with a good awareness of essential road safety rules under the expertise of visiting our instructors.

Shh.. The Walls Have Ears!

Welcome to Year 5's Webpage.

As we begin our Autumn term of 2023 with a brand new enthused class of pupils,

we launch straight into our creative curriculum theme of 'Shh.. Walls have Ears'. 

We all will embark on a World War 2 historical journey which will interweave 

within our Literacy, Art & Design, Music and Dance, History and Geography and

even forge a strong connection to our Science module of 'Forces'. Both within our

creative artwork and history research, we shall focus on impact of Plymouth in the Blitz, alongside delving deep into our English novels to help answer the Big Question:
 Are all people treated fairly?

Read our Curriculum Letter and view the Autumn Curriculum Poster below for more detail    


Widening Horizons: Behind the scenes at the National Marine Aquarium. Year 5 had an exclusive behind the scenes tour and insight to the many careers available at the NMA. They also took part in dissecting a squid to understand more about its anatomy and the adaptations it has to survive.

Widening Horizons: The Exhibition at Karst Gallery. After six of our class pupils curated a show using a selection of artwork created from two expertly led workshops, Year 5 had an exclusive open evening to parents and staff. They were all very proud of their achievements and this unique opportunity.

Widening Horizons Karst Workshop part 2: Printmaking images and messages about the environment, climate change and migration in preparation for Year 5's own exhibition at Karst Gallery.

World War 2 Recipes: After a discussion about rationing and food shortages during the Second World War our class embarked on DT project that involved the preparation, coking and taste-testing evaluation of Rock Cakes.

Art: Inspired by official war artists Lowry, Lehmann and Wyndham-Lewis our class has studied their style and techniques to learn how to draw correctly proportioned faces.

WIDENING HORIZONS: Our first trip of the year with Millfield's Inspired was an immersive art workshop at KARST Gallery in Stonehouse. Our children were first treated to a private guided tour of the current exhibition, then began a clay making workshop that initially explored pinch pot and coil pot techniques, before allowing the children free range to create small sculptures inspired by or a direct response to the exhibition itself. The class produced a wide range of sculptures with themes relating to migration, climate change and human rights. Our pupils also had exclusive access to look around the artist's own studio within KARST. The second 'print making' workshop will follow soon back at school, then eventually lead to curating their own private view exhibition to staff and family at the KARST Gallery - Watch this space!

History trip to the Box. On November the 9th, Year 5 and Year 6 embarked on a trip to The Box in Plymouth to step back in time and explore how the Second World War affected Plymouth and shaped the way it looks today. Aside from touring around the rich history of the museum itself, our pupils became investigators during a guided workshop, exploring authentic WW2 artefacts to discover the identity of different military personnel and roles various civilians took on during wartime.

Remembrance Poetry and Poppies: Year 5 and 6 recently did some class collaborations to create some mixed media recycled poppy wreaths. In groups, they also devised and wrote with some powerful haiku messages of remembrance.

Devon and Somerset Fire Service Visit: On the 1st of November Year 5 had a visit to inform our class about fire prevention, identiying hazards, evacuation procedures and how and when to raise the alarm.

Science: (Forces) Year 5 have recently been exploring the concept of Air Resistance. To tie in with our WW2 theme, they have prepared and carried out fair test experiments of homemade parachutes, exploring either the effect of different sizes or shape (surface area) and even the same size but different material. From this, they will analyse the time taken to deliver a toy soldier safely to the ground from a constant 2 metre height, in order to make scientific judgements regarding how air resistance contributed to the results.

Half Term Holiday Homework (optional). As part of Black History Month, Plymouth Argyle are running a Jack Leslie Campaign Competition that invites children to submit either a logo design, poem or piece of drama the celebrates his legacy and recognition he deserved. See the link below for details.
