Welcome to Year 2!
Summer Term 2024
Our theme is:
All Things Bright and Beautiful.
Our Big Questions is : Why is it Important to care for our World?
We will:
Identify, name and sort different animals. Learn about habitats, food chains and adaptation.
Explore habitats across the world and micro- habitats closer to home.
Appreciate our amazing world and find ways to protect it.
Look at the work of Andy Goldsworthy and create our own art inspired by nature.
Design and build a bird feeder
Spring Term 2024
Our theme this term is:
'To the Edge of the World'
Our key questions is: What does it mean to have courage?
We will learn about the lives of historically significant people in different time periods – Christopher Columbus, Ernest Shackleton, Neil Armstrong and Mae Jemison. We will consider their contribution and legacy and think about how they showed courage. We will also explore Christopher Columbus more deeply and consider the impact of exploration on the Native American people.
Autumn Term 2023
Our theme this term is:
From Land’s End to John O’Groats
Our Key question is: What does it mean to be British?
We will be going on a virtual tour of the UK learning about local geography and significant events throughout history as well as local food, music, art, and sports.
Year 2 ukulele videos
Click and see what we have been learning this term.
Year 2 perform 'The Sound Collector' by Roger McGough.
Year 2 perform 'I'm Just Going Out For A Moment' by Michael Rosen.