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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Summer Term 2024

Our theme is:

All Things Bright and Beautiful.

Our Big Questions is : Why is it Important to care for our World?

We will:

Identify, name and sort different animals. Learn about habitats, food chains and adaptation.

Explore habitats across the world and micro- habitats closer to home.

Appreciate our amazing world and find ways to protect it.   

Look at the work of Andy Goldsworthy and create our own art inspired by nature.

Design and build a bird feeder


Year 2 visited the Hoe during spirituality week. We were focusing on awe and wonder and took time to appreciate our surroundings and the beauty in our world. We made sketches of what we saw.

Well done on a fantastic rainforest themed assembly Year 2!

20.6.24: Year 2 put all of their athletics learning into place and took part in a mini Olympics today.

13.6.24: We were visited by the Peninsula dentist school today and learnt all about keeping our teeth clean and healthy.

In our PSHE lessons, we have been learning about relationships and who we can trust. Today we thought about grown ups who we can trust in our community and made a ‘circle of trust’ plate.

Shoe box world habitat homework. What a brilliant effort from the Year 2 children! All children were able to explain to the class about their habitat and how they made it. Well done Year 2 ☺️

10.5.24: The children were challenged to create meandering, flowing and twisting sculptures using natural materials in the style of Andy Goldsworthy

2.5.24: we are having athletics lessons with SDCC. Today we refined our running techniques.

3.5.24:This term we are learning about the work of artist Andy Goldsworthy. He uses natural materials to make sculptures which are often temporary. Here are our efforts using materials collected in the school grounds.

17.4.24: We had visitors from Babcock this morning. We learnt about landing crafts and made our own. We then simulated driving a boat carrier to transport the landing carrier for repair- we had to use clear instructions to guide the driver!

17.4.24: our inspirational day continued with a visit from author James Campbell best known for his ‘FunnyLife Of....’ series. He was extremely entertaining, we laughed lots at his stories and realised that we could all become authors!

Spring Term 2024

Our theme this term is:

'To the Edge of the World'

Our key questions is: What does it mean to have courage?

We will learn about the lives of historically significant people in different time periods – Christopher Columbus, Ernest Shackleton, Neil Armstrong and Mae Jemison. We will consider their contribution and legacy and think about how they showed courage. We will also explore Christopher Columbus more deeply and consider the impact of exploration on the Native American people.

Please find below a curriculum poster and letter detailing what your child will be learning this term.

Year 2 had a fantastic trip to the Immersive Dome yesterday. We learnt about space exploration and were very inspired to become astronauts, scientists and explorers!

We love to read in Year 2! We had a brilliant World Book Day by spending the day immersed in book related activities and all came away with new books from our big book swap. On Friday we then visited Central library and heard stories, did a quiz and borrowed new books.

21.2.24 We had a brilliant day immersed in history for our Columbus Day!

We spent the morning rotating around activities. We made ship's biscuits, sea monsters, telescopes and old maps on which we plotted Columbus' vogyage. In the afternoon we boarded the Santa Maria, we carried out chores on board the ship, sang sea shanties and looked for land. When we found land we explored where we landed then tasted food which Columbus brought back from the Americas!

9.2.24: Year 2 are authors! They wrote their own stories based on 'Where the Wild Things Are' and then read them to foundation children.

Year 2 have been learning about money. They have been enjoying handling 'real' money to make different amounts. Today we had some good discussions about the fact that we can make amounts of money in different ways.

Autumn Term 2023

Our theme this term is:

From Land’s End to John O’Groats

Our Key question is: What does it mean to be British?


We will be going on a virtual tour of the UK learning about local geography and significant events throughout history as well as local food, music, art, and sports.


13.12.23: Well done to all of Year 2 children for your outstanding performance in your class assembly this morning.

Year 2 (and families!) have stunned us with their castle creations. The children could explain clearly about the defensive features they used.

24.11.23: We had a great time visiting Central Library today. We enjoyed poems, stories and chose our own books to take back to school.

Year 2 have learnt all about the great Fire of London. We are very proud of the information posters that we have produced.

The Great Fire of London by Year 2

Here are copies of our curriculum letter and poster so you know what the children will be up to this term!

Rachel from the fire service visited Year 2 to talk about fire safety. We learnt about fire prevention, smoke alarms, hazards in the home and what to do if our clothes caught on fire: STOP, DROP and ROLL!

Year 2 ukulele videos

Click and see what we have been learning this term.


Year 2 perform 'The Sound Collector' by Roger McGough.

6.10.23: Year 2 visited the lifeboat station. We learnt about water safety and about how the lifeboat volunteers save lives.

Year 2 visited Mount Edgcumbe today. We wanted to go to Cornwall- the same county as Land’s End where we began our virtual journey! We had a brilliant time exploring the grounds and sea shore.

Year 2 perform 'I'm Just Going Out For A Moment' by Michael Rosen.

13.9.23: Year 2 were visited by Victoria Byron author and illustrator of Mali’s Adventure.
