Welcome to the Summer Term
Valiant Vikings
Were they explorers, migrants, invaders or traders?
How is that question relevant to today?
Who were they? What did they value? Why did they come to Britain? What was their impact on Saxon life?
We’re back - tired and proud! The children have been amazing and have had an incredible time. I can now upload the pictures as the WiFi there was very tricky to use. Enjoy them.
It’s another beautiful day at Beam House. All the children have had a great time with their activities. Lots of photos will be on here soon. We are all packed and full of breakfast and doing our last activities.
Good Morning from a very sunny Beam House.
Photos are coming but the wifi is very slow so they are not uploading. There are many to come.
The children had a great campfire and a marvellous meal last night. They have all slept and we are off to breakfast soon. They have already been rifle shooting, trapezing and are going up the high ropes soon.
Beam House - Day 1
We had a very successful trip and a great afternoon. Dinner time is soon and then camp fire!
We have been lucky enough to receive some frogspawn. We will be using our scientific skills of observation and recording to show the changes that take place over the next 3 months. Rumour has it that there may be birds nesting in our birdbox! We will be checking the camera soon and will keep you posted.
Number Day
NSPCC Number Day was a great success. The class enjoyed playing a variety of maths games and problem solving activities. Check out the maths pages for more information about maths at St. Andrew's.
Internet Safety Day
The children had a great day revisiting the SMART rules, writing about how they use technology responsibly and respectful, taking part in a survey, playing Esafety games and role playing online scenarios. Check the Esafety pages for more information.
The class are learning all about teeth and the digestive system this half of term. They have had great fun investigating what happens to our teeth if they are not cleaned properly. They have used egg shells to represent the enamel on the teeth.
The class have continued to play percussion instruments and are now using hand bells as well!
Basketball skills are being developed each week and the children are learning a world dance!
Photos from our Saxon day at the end of last term.
Photos from our Saxon trip to Escot
Photos from making our Saxon houses
Welcome back to the Spring Term!
We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. The children have made an enthusiastic start back to the term and are eager to learn all about our new topic:
Welcome to Year 4
Please visit these pages from time to time to see what the children have been up to in class.
Our class reads.
The children have all enjoyed hearing
'Beowulf' and 'the Iron Man.'
We are currently reading 'The boy at the back of the class.'
All of these stories are about a visitor to a new land. This theme will continue to be discussed throughout the term. Just like the Saxons started to migrate to Britain over 1500 years ago, we will be considering why people might move countries today and how it must feel to be a stranger in a new land.
Using counters and Base 10 in maths to help with place value
Warming up
Rugby skills
Playing percussion for music
Painting the Baptism for RE
Looking for Saxon evidence in a place name.
Week 1
The school are now using the Jigsaw package.
Jigsaw PSHE is a comprehensive and completely original Scheme of Work for the whole Primary School from Foundation through to Year 6. It brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning. Every week, the class will take part in activities towards completing a puzzle piece. This term, our piece is called 'Being me in my world.'
The class have been playing some great games and thinking about how important it is to be in a team.
Maths - Place Value
We will be learning all about Place Value for the next four weeks.
A digit is a single number like 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Where that digit is in a number, gives it a value.
By knowing its place, we know the value of the digit and what the number is.
6345 The value of the 3 = 300 or 3 hundreds
2589 The value of the 8 = 80 or 8 tens
Without Place Value, we would not be able to use numbers!!!
Time to improve our fitness!
What a storm!
What shall we read?
Time to learn.