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Year 1

                    WELCOME TO YEAR 1!

Well done Year 1, you have been brilliant. You have all thrived despite a 2nd year of disrupted schooling. We are very proud of you. Well done Evie for your star of the year certificate. A class of stars ⭐️

Welcome to the Summer Term in Year 1:

Our topic this term is 'Down On The Farm'.

Click below to find out what we will be learning.


Book’nic: What could be better than an afternoon of choosing a new book and reading it outside in the shade with lemonade and a cup cake 😊

Year 1 present The Three Little Pigs brought to you through song!

Three Little Pigs

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Straw, Sticks and Bricks

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I’m the big, bad wolf

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What a plot!

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Van Gogh’s sunflowers by Year 1. We hope you enjoy our gallery!

Sports Day! We’ve had a fantastic sports day; the children showed fantastic sportsmanship in cheering one another on as a team. Well done to the yellow team who came 1st overall!

Compare and Contrast. Today we have been using our oracy skills to compare two stories: The Three Little Pigs and Three Little Sheep. We discussed how each story was similar and how they were different. We used our sentence stems, spoke very clearly and made sure that we listened carfully to one another.

Look at the wonderful model Sukkot shelters we made today in R.E! During Sukkot Jewish people create a booth and spend time living outside to remember the Israelites’ escape from Egypt and their dependence on God as they made their way through the desert. Many people believe the festival of Sukkot is a time to remember those who are poor by giving meals and shelter and donating money (tzedekah).

We have been busy practising our tennis skills.

Books, books and more books! We were lucky enough to take part in the Young Readers Story Club Festival online event. We were entertained by poet Dominic Berry and storyteller Wendy Shearer. We were able to ask them questions and then got to choose another book after the event. We LOVE books and reading!

30.6.21: Sandwiches! Today we got to make the sandwiches that we have designed. They were delicious!

We have been researching farm animals to write information posters about them.

Tree spotting! We enjoyed using spotter guides to identify trees in the school grounds.

D.T: we have been learning to chop with a knife and to grate ready for sandwich making. We have also evaluated different sandwich ingredients to decide what we want to put in our sandwich/wrap to ensure that it is delicious!

14.6.21: Today we took part in event 1 of a three event program funded through the National Literacy Trust. We took part in a 'book character treasure hunt' and when we completed it we got to choose a book from our 'book shop' which we could take home to keep. We had a wonderful time!

12.5.21 Virtual story event. We were lucky enough to be ‘visited’ by Yasmin from Plymouth University. She told us a story called Clean Up all about looking after our oceans. We then all got to choose a book to take home!

NSPCC Number Day. We’ve had a fantastic day of maths; we took part in a number hunt where we had to solve lots of problems, we’ve investigated lots of ways to make 10, we’ve made tanagram puzzles, played snakes and ladders, made equal groups of us in the hall and even made shapes with our bodies!

To kick off our learning in R.E about creation we considered our beautiful world. We didn’t have to look far to have a sense of awe and wonder for nature. Look at this stunning blossom tree in our school grounds.

Take a look at our art gallery of blossom trees.

The ENORMOUS Turnip! We have been having so much fun immersing ourselves in this story. We enjoyed making puppets to retell the story in groups.

We’ve planted our own vegetable seeds and have been learning about which parts of plants we can eat.

We have started to learn about multiplication by making equal groups.

Welcome back letter 8.3.21

We had so much fun on our Easter egg hunt. Happy Easter!

We had a lovely time playing ‘pass the Easter parcel’. Between each layer we discovered a part of the Easter story.

We had great fun weighing, measuring and comparing our teddies!

17.3.21:We have been learning to compare weights. It was great fun comparing the weights of classroom objects.

Happy Mothers’ Day from all of year 1. We think all mummies (and daddies) have been amazing with home learning🙂

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Save Our Seas. As part of the Plymouth Anthology 'Save our Seas' we have written some poems about our oceans and the problem of plastic. We hope that some of them get published!

We have been practising counting in 2s. We used numicon to make a 2s line.

8.3.21: It’s been lovely to see all the happy faces of the children today. They’ve had a wonderful time being back together! 🙂

Please find below this term's letter and curriculum poster


                                       See the link below to our Year 1 nativity play.

Do you wonder how we do maths in Year 1? Have a look at the videos below -the children are explaining our calculation methods.


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Mr Grinling from ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ wanted to know which was the best rope to use to zip wire his lunch across to the lighthouse with. We tested 3 ropes to see which one the lunch travelled fastest on. We found out the smooth rope was the best because there was less friction.

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26.11.20: 3D shapes. Today we built our own 3D shapes; we managed to make cubes, cuboids and pyramids with cocktail sticks and plasticine.

23.11.20: this week we are learning about shape. Year 1 have become shape inspectors and went on a search for 2D shapes in the school grounds. We found that the most common shape was a rectangle.

Inspired by our class book ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ we made lighthouses then used electrical components to make a bulb light up!

Brilliant learning from these 2 superstars this week-well done 😊

We learnt about the Mayflower landing in the ‘New World’ 400 years ago. We thought about how helpful the Native American people were in helping the colonists survive. Look at our wonderful headdress that we made to look like Native Americans!

Well done to these super stars who have all received an award recently.

415 years ago in 1605 Guy Fawkes and friends was found out for trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament with king James I inside. This is why we have bonfire night and fireworks today.

We wrote poems using our senses, we used onomatopoeia to describe firework sounds and made beautiful and colourful firework pictures.