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Welcome to the Foundation Class!




Pirate and Mermaid Adventure Day! 14/7/16

Today we came to school dressed as pirates and mermaids! We found a postcard from Charlie Chimp in our register saying that he had gone on holiday. We were a little suspicious as Charlie had left Cherry behind! We started singing some pirate songs and Mrs Dove brought us a letter. It was from Captain Bone Crusher and his fearsome pirate crew! He said that he had stolen Charlie Chimp! We quickly set to work making missing posters to find Charlie and wanted posters to capture Captain Bone Crusher. We also wrote letters asking for Charlie back and some girls wrote to the singing mermaid to ask for her help.
We then decided to assemble our own pirate and mermaid crew! We made pirate hats and swords and mermaid necklaces and purses to wear. Then after lunch we found a letter from the singing mermaid! 
The singing mermaid had told us to look out for clues so we went outside for some pirate and mermaid training. We learnt how to scrub the deck, climb the rigging, steal treasure, comb our hair, flap our tail and walk the plank! 
We then found another letter from Captain Bone Crusher. This time there was a clue attached! We followed the clues all around the school until we found Charlie Chimp. He was hidden in a treasure chest under the pirate ship! We celebrated with some delicious ice creams to finish off our exciting day! 

Our trip to the zoo (27/06/16)

Aquarium Trip 20/06/16

Our virtual holiday!

This week we have been learning about holidays. We visited our travel agent role play area and researched the best places to visit. Then we learnt how to write a postcard and found out about some of the countries the children in our class are from. Today we came to school dressed in our holiday clothes with a suitcase full of toys and books. We made our own passports and boarding cards then lined up, ready to board our aeroplane. The air hostess checked our passports and told us our seat number before we boarded the plane. Once everyone was sat down we listened to the safety instructions and practised the brace position in case we needed to make an emergency landing. Our pilot and co-pilot got ready for take off, and once in the air we had time to look at our books and purchase a drink and snack from the trolley. We soon landed in sunny Spain and got to share our toys with all our friends. This was thirsty work so we had some ice poles to cool us down. Then came the best part of our holiday.. A huge water fight! We had water pistols, water balloons, cups and buckets and pretty soon everyone was soaking wet! What a fantastic day!

The mysterious box!

Mystery solved!

Summer fun in the sun! 8/6/16

Our new sandpit!

Today the Sports Council hosted a mini sports day for the Foundation Class! We got to try out some of the events we will be taking part in during the whole school sports day on the 10th of June. We had a fantastic afternoon learning how to do the long jump, throw a basketball, complete an assault course, throw objects onto a target and also how to jump up and down whilst standing inside a sack! We would like to say a big thank you to Mrs King and the Sports Council for organising such a brilliant event and for encouraging us all to have a go and try our best!  


Saying goodbye to our butterflies!

Visit from a PCSO and policeman! 06/05/16

Caterpillars in Foundation!

Hunting for minibeasts! 03/05/16

Welcome back after the Easter holidays! As you will have noticed our canopy has now been fitted and we can play outside whatever the weather! Here are some photos from our first week back at school..

The Easter Bunny has paid us a visit! 23/03/16

A visit from a firefighter 22/03/16

🐣 Today we had our school's Easter Service at St. Andrew's Church. Our class sang three songs that reminded us about different symbols of Easter. We sang Baa Baa Black Sheep, Hot Cross Buns and Chick, Chick Chicken. 🐥

Singing at the Easter Service

Still image for this video

Trip to the park 18/03/16

Natural crowns 18/03/16

Today is Mrs Linzell's birthday so we went on a trip to the park! We had lots of fun playing on all the equipment and then we made our very own natural crowns! We collected different leaves, sticks and feathers and stuck them onto our crowns. We then sat in a big circle and ate the buns we made earlier in the week. What a brilliant morning! 

Mad science day 17/03/16

Our trip to the Co-op 15/03/16

This week Mrs Allchurch asked us to make her some cakes. We wrote a list of ingredients each then found out how much each item would cost. We learnt all about different coins and then took a trip to our local Co-op to buy our ingredients! Tomorrow we are going to make our cakes by weighing out our ingredients. 

Someone wrote sentences on our bananas! We think it might have been the Evil Pea. Everyone was desperate to read their sentence.. Maybe you could try it at home!

Foundation Class Assembly 9th March 2016

This week we had our own class assembly where we shared our learning with the whole school. We told everyone about our troubles with the Evil Pea, performed our Talk 4 Writing story 'We're going on a pea hunt' and sang the song 'Jesus you're my superhero'. We also taught the whole school a new wake and shake routine called 'Cheerleader' using one of our favourite websites, Go Noodle. We were very brave and everyone performed fantastically! Well done Foundation!


Supertato and the Evil Pea!

World Book Day 04/03/16

In the week leading up to World Book Day we had lots of fun learning about a very special book called 'Supertato'! We made our own super vegetables just like in the story, but then the troubles began.. We received some letters from Supertato asking for help and also letters from the Evil Pea warning us that he was going to capture our vegetables! We made posters to warn everyone about the Evil Pea, wrote lists of the vegetables we needed to keep safe, and designed our own traps with a list of materials we would need. We then decided to make some jelly to trap the Evil Pea. We wrote a list of ingredients and then all helped to make the jelly. Our classroom was then attacked by pesky peas! We captured them all and put them in our jelly. Supertato was very pleased with all our help! On World Book Day we celebrated by dressing up as characters from our favourite books and listening to some of our favourite stories. We even had a visit from Year 6 who read to us!


Welcome back, we hope you all had a lovely Christmas holiday! Our topic this term is Winter! 

We will learn all about winter weather, polar animals and maybe even watch a little of Ana and Elsa! This term we will really focus on reading and writing sentences independently and will learn our Phase 3 sounds in phonics. In maths we will start to add and take away groups of objects as well as measuring objects and creating repeating patterns. In ICT we will continue to practise logging onto the computers and in PE we will learn how to throw and catch a ball. Please help us to practise our sounds each night, as well as recognising our tricky words and blending our sounds to read our reading books.


Travelling by Tuba 02/02/16

(02/02/16) Today we walked to the Guildhall to watch a concert performed by the group Travelling by Tuba. We loved listening to all the different instruments, even though some of them were very loud! Three boys from our class were even chosen to go up to the front and play some of the instruments in front of a huge audience! 

Searching for polar animals 22/01/16

This week we have been learning about penguins! We watched a video about an Emperor penguin and learnt lots of interesting facts. We also made our own penguin eggs and used them in our PE lesson. At the end of the week we used the binoculars we had made and went on a polar animal hunt. We searched for animals around the playground and ticked them off on our spotter sheet. 
(15/01/16) This week we had a visit from Dr Freeze! He wrote us a letter telling us that he had stolen some of our toys and frozen them in ice! We made wanted posters and put them around the school, then we wrote our own letters to Dr Freeze asking for our toys back. On Thursday some ice balloons arrived with our toys trapped inside! We found different ways of melting the ice and finally rescued our toys. Dr Freeze wrote to us and promised to never steal our toys again! 

Decoration making! 11/12/15

On Wednesday we had a very special decoration making morning. 17 parents and carers came to help us make Christmas trees, robins, Father Christmas', tree decorations and even some cinnamon scented play dough! 




We have been learning how to make repeating patterns!

A visit from Simon James!

Here are some photos from our Simon James visit! Simon James has written lots of fantastic books such as Sally and the Limpet, The Day Jake Vacuumed, Rex and Little One Step. Simon shared some of his stories with us and even drew us some pictures. We then surprised him with our retelling of his fantastic story Nurse Clementine!

Maths Open Morning 17/11/15

Today we held our Maths Open Morning! We sang some super counting songs then played with lots of different activities that encouraged us to count, order and measure. We also talked about 2D shapes and even made repeating patterns!

Using the computers...

This afternoon Mrs Eggar took some of us to the computer room to learn how to log onto the computers using our very own login!


Last week we learnt all about Diwali! We made our own diva lamps and took them home to light on Friday. Here are some photos of us using clay to make our lamps.
Once they were dry we painted them.
Look how beautiful they are!


Mrs Eggar also showed us how to make circuits to light a bulb! it was very exciting and everyone wanted to have a go!

Remembrance Day 11/11/15

Today is Remembrance Day and we have been remembering all the soldiers that have lost their lives. We made our own poppies earlier in the week and proudly wore them today. We also watched a beautiful video on CBeebies about how the poppies grew in Flanders Fields and why the colours red, black and green are significant. Have a look at the display on our classroom window which has some of our poppies as well as our British Values. 

Rockets! 6/11/15

Welcome back after half term! We have been busy learning all about festivals of light! We started with bonfire night and made our own firework pictures, sparklers and rockets..

Pumpkins 23/10/15

 Just before we broke up for half term we decided to cut open our giant pumpkin and find out what was inside! We discovered lots and lots of seeds and estimated how many there were. We then took it in turns to pull out five seeds each and counted them in fives. We got to 150 seeds and were only half way there! We then used tweezers to pick up the seeds and place them in pots. It was hard work but helped us to develop our pincer grip which we need when holding a pencil!

Measuring 19/10/15

Today we have been very busy learning how to measure different objects using tape measures and rulers. We used words such as longer/shorter, bigger/smaller, centimetres/inches.

Hat shop

We also set up a hat shop and have been learning how to count out pennies to pay for our hats!

Phonics fun

Plus, we have been searching for letters in our bowl of split peas! Can you spot any of the sounds we have been learning?

Train Station 09/10/15

This week we have been learning about trains! We borrowed some train equipment from the train station and set up our own train shop, station and train to play in!

We had to queue up and buy our tickets.
...before we could get on the train! Mrs Allchurch even joined us on our journey!
We had a go at building our own trains at the junk modelling table: