Welcome to the Summer Term in Year 2.
All Things Bright and Beautiful
Big Question: Why is it important to look after our world?
Our Year 2 geographers can already name the continents and oceans of the world. This term, our curriculum theme is
'All Things Bright and Beautiful' and our big question is 'Why is it important to look after our world?'. We will be looking in more detail at the climate and landscapes of the tropical rainforests of South America, the Savannah grasslands and deserts of Africa and The Great Barrier Reef. As scientists, Year 2 will explore the diversity of plant and animal life within each contrasting habitat and learn about food chains and adaptation. We want the children to develop a sense of wonder at the incredible beauty and complexity of life on Earth, and begin to understand their role as protectors of the planet.
See below for what we have been up to in previous terms.
Welcome to the Spring Term in Year 2.
Our cross curricular theme this term is ‘To the Edge of the World’ as detailed on the curriculum poster below. It has a strong historical focus. The key question we will be considering throughout the term is ‘What does it mean to have courage?’ Children will consider this when they learn about the lives of significant individuals from history as well as considering this question in relation to their own lives. Children will learn about and compare the lives of Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong - two well-known explorers who lived in very different times. Children will also consider the contribution of Mae Jemison to modern day space travel. They will learn about Ernest Shackleton when studying our science unit on ‘Animals Including Humans’ and will learn about survival in cold environments.
To watch Year 2 sing the Columbus song click on the link below.
Columbus Day
We have had so much fun and learnt a lot about Columbus. We took part in a variety of activities including mapping; making hard tack (ship's biscuits); making sea monsers (the sailors belived monsters lurked in the depths of the ocean); and making headdresses which Native American people might have worn-this helped us to think about their perspective when Columbus and his sailors arrived in their land.
Finally, in the afternoon, we boarded the Santa Maria and set sail from Spain for Asia. We headed West trying to find a quicker way to Asia, however little did we know that N America lay in the way! On board ship we took part in lots of ship chores and eventually we sighted land. We came ashore and met the Native American people who were very freindly and let us try lots of new foods (peppers, pineapple, tomato, potatoes, avocado, papaya and cocoa). We did not speak the same language so communicated with gestures.
Look back at Autumn 2021 in Year 2...
We love poetry in Year 2 and have had a brilliant time studying and being inspired by poems written by some great British poets including Michael Rosen, A A Milne and Christina Rosetti.
We also were inspired by Roger McGough's Sound Collecter poem on National Poetry Day and wrote and performed a class poem called 'The Sound Collecter at School'.
We have been having so much fun in our poetry work where we are studying poetry by some of our great British poets. Here are our performances of 'I’m Just Going Out’ by Michael Rosen.