You've been an absolute pleasure to teach and I've missed you all dearly. Have a fabulous Summer break and I look forward to seeing you all in September and hearing about your adventures. Here is a reminder of why you are all so awesome and the highlights that we've shared together in Year 3.
Thank you for the gifts, cards and kind words, we really appreciate it.
With love from Miss Mann xx
News about Year 4
Hi everyone. I have received some really good questions from
you and your parents about next term. Please have a read of the letter attached below. I have uploaded it to Google Classroom too, where you can ask anything further. Have a great summer holidays and I look forward to seeing you in September!
“We are so sad not to be able to say ‘goodbye’ to you all in person and to thank you for all your hard work over the school year. We want you all to know how incredibly proud we are of each and every one of you. You have grown so much in so many ways and it has been a joy to teach you. The last few months have been extremely challenging, but you have faced homeschooling with determination and resilience. We are in awe of the work that has been submitted on Google Classroom. From fractions to poetry; the effort and time that has been invested in your assignments has been clear to see. We have loved reading your letters, seeing what you have baked, how you have spent your time and have been amazed to see you follow your interests on your own personal learning journey. You should all be so proud of what you have achieved and should treasure your work. It will be so interesting to look back on in years to come.
We want to extend a huge ‘well done’ and ‘thankyou’ to all the adults who have supported you to achieve your home learning goals. You really have been amazing to work with and it has been so useful to keep in touch on Google Classroom.
We wish you all a fabulous, restful summer holiday. We can’t wait to start our next adventure together with the Year 3&4 topic of ‘Back to the Stone Age’. Enjoy the break. We look forward to hearing all your news when we see you in the playground or out and about!”
Head over to Google classroom to see our video message. Unfortunately it is a little too long to upload here.
You have written such amazing poems as part of your Lockdown assignment. You inspired me! Here's mine!
Hi Year 3. It's Friday. Hurrah! I thought you may be wondering a little bit more about next year and what is going to be happening in Year 4. Some of you have been asking some very good questions. One of the main ones is what our topic is going to be next year. Well, we will be going back to the Stone Age!
I have asked my current class to write about their time in Year 4 and I have attached two of them below. I asked them to think about you and to let you know how Year 4 was for them.
I have put a code onto the Year 3 Google Classroom. This will allow you to join the new Year 4(2020) Classroom. Don't worry if you are unable to do this but it would be great for as many of you to join up before the holidays as possible. When you go to Classroom, you will see an + sign at the top right hand side. This allows you to join a class.
If you do not see the + sign, you may need to go back into Classroom again using this link:
You will need a code to do so. This code is on your current Google Classroom. If you need help, you can email me on
I will be puting a welcome message up there, as well as here, on Monday and hopefully finding out a little bit more about you.
Have a good weekend.
Mr. Stonebridge
A message from Mr. Stonebridge
Hi Year 3 (soon to be Year 4!) I have been blown away by some of your home learning projects that you have been up to over the last few weeks. Many of you have been busy on Mathletics and Edshed too. Keep an eye out on this page to see if your work appears. I'll be uploading over the weekend.
Soon, I'll be adding a code to this page so that you can join the new Year 4 Google Classroom for next year. I'll have a couple of activities on there for you to complete and will be able to answer all your questions about the exciting times ahead in Year 4. Start to have a think about anything you want to know about Year 4. You will have the opportunity of asking as many questions as you like next week using the Google Classroom platform.
I look forward to meeting you all next term and hearing more about you very soon. In the meantime, I'm going to start puting some of your fabulous work and achievements up here.
Mr. Stonebridge
As you can see, there has been some super home learning contributions over the last couple of weeks. Holly, Oliver, Liam and Jason have been regular uploaders of their work. Have a look at Noufal's work too! There have been some great video contributions from Hannah too.
Hip Hoptastic!
Ocean project ideas
More Hip Hoptasticness!
Mathleticstastic news
Year 3, you have been amazing on Mathletics. I can not believe how many certificates you have achieved over the last 7 weeks. There have been over 40 Bronze, 10 Silver and 2 Gold. Well done.
Big claps for the Bronze awards:
Kyle, Rihanna, Owen,
Ralphie, Oliver, Jessica,
Jason, Holly, Liam,
Benjamin, Jayden,
Loveday, Melanie,
Tegan, Chanelta
Bigger claps for the Silver:
Ralphie, Liam, Oliver S,
Jason, Jayden, Loveday,
Melanie, Chanelta, Oliver F
Huge claps for Gold:
Jayden and Melanie
Here are some more great pictures of Year 3 home learning activities.
Hello Year 3! I hope you are all doing well at home with your families. Miss Mann and I are really enjoying keeping in touch with lots of you on Google Classroom. Well done for keeping up with your home learning.
W/C 6th July
This week your RE task is to think about Noah, promises and hope. Watch the video below, and work through the questions underneath. There are a few suggested tasks linked to this learning, we would love to see anything you complete!
Noah's Ark
This animated bible story for kids is based on Genesis 6-9:17
Thank you to all the Year 3 children who are sending in photos of the work they are producing at home. We really do love to see it and have been adding them to our classroom display. Keep up the amazing work, you're doing a fab job!
The KS2 Educare group have been having lots of fun today. We started with the final 'Fancy-Dress Friday' with Joe Wicks. All the children had made their own masks to mark the occasion. We then went on to discover all about forces and magnetic behaviour.
Creative Card Making
W/C 8.6.20
The Educare children have had great fun in school this week. We've celebrated 'World Ocean Day' by writing creative stories about creatures of the deep, made sea creature fridge magnets and researched and presented work about a chosen sea creature to the rest of the class.
We have had a science based week and made salt dough volcanoes. Once baked, we used bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to create the eruption. We made lava lamps, blew up balloons by creating a gas and also made a diet coke explosion by dropping mentos in to the bottle. We also made our own recycled paper! We turned newspaper into a pulp and spread it out onto a frame with a piece of net placed above and below the pulp. We allowed this to dry and our paper was ready to paint our under water scene on to.
We hope you have had a wonderful half term holiday in the sun. ☀️
Please head over to Google Classroom where you will find some new assignments for the week beginning June 1st. You will find spelling activities, White Rose Maths, Science and a Drama Challenge.
We have really enjoyed reading your letters and seeing the beautiful, thoughtful cards and messages you have sent to your loved ones as part of our letter writing project. If you haven’t written a letter yet, please look at the information and link from before half term.
You can always submit assignments late. We love to see your work! You are all being so resilient, creative, independent and hard-working! We are extremely proud of you all. 👏 💕
May Half Term!
Hi Year 3,
We hope that you all have a wonderful half term break. Hopefully the weather will stay warm and sunny, so that you can get outside in the fresh air.
Please remember that half term should be a break from school work, so that you can relax and unwind. Therefore we will not be posting any new activities until the start of term 6.
Please feel free to share photos of exciting things that you get up to on Goggle Classroom, we always love to see what you're doing.
W/C 18th May
Well done to all the children that have handed in work on Google Classroom this week. We've been extremely impressed by the quality of your work. We love to see the photos and videos of what you have been doing too, so please keep sharing them with us!
1. Continue with daily maths lessons from White Rose. Details can be found on Google Classroom.
2. Design and make a Viking shield. Please see the additional link below.
Letter writing projectThere are lots of ideas to support you to write letters to your friends and family on this website.
Follow the link above to learn how to set out a letter, create a collage postcard, write in calligraphy, construct an envelope and even draw wildlife! We’d love to see photos of your letters if you’d like to share them. You could even share a cheerful photo of you posting your mail to someone you love. Let’s share some love and positivity. It will really brighten someone’s day.
Can you write a letter each day this week? You could even include the people you live with to show how much you appreciate them. Ask your parents whose address you have and choose people might really enjoy receiving a handwritten letter from you. You could even write to your teachers at the school address, or send us an e mail. Perhaps there are elderly people on your street who would love a cheerful card to pop through their letterbox. 💗
Trying out calligraphy
If you follow the letter writing link, you can watch a clip and learn simple calligraphy. It is really fun and quite relaxing to follow.
Getting stuck into some maths, ready to take a photo and upload to the assignment on Google Classroom.
Today we went on a virtual, interactive adventure with the fabulous Soapbox Theatre. We even met the Ice Dragon. What a treat!
Fun with foot and hand prints
A huge ‘well done’ to these five star ‘Mathletes’ who have earned their gold certificate during lockdown! 🌟
We are so proud of the participation, effort and progress on Mathletics. Almost everyone in Year 3 has been logging on during lockdown. Twenty children have earned at least one certificate. We have 5 gold, 17 silver and 76 bronze certificates. This shows that some children are completing tasks consistently, collecting over 1000 points each week.
Amazing teamwork, Year 3! You are one of the top-scoring classes in the school.
We are especially pleased with to see that some children have earned five or more bronze certificates.
Chanelta, 👏🏻 Zylah, 👏🏻 Oliver F, 👏🏻 Loveday, 👏🏻 Jayden, 👏🏻 Ben, 👏🏻 Liam, 👏🏻 Jason, 👏🏻 and Owen. 👏🏻
A special mention for our top scorers: Jason, Jayden, Owen and Liam. Impressive results, boys! Keep it up! All of these children have totalled more than 15000 points. The biggest round of applause goes to Jason, who has collected a massive total of 62070 points! Wow! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 😀
Hello everyone,
We hope that you're having a wonderful weekend in the sunshine
W/C 11th May
Below is the link for your White Rose daily maths videos. You now have to subscribe to the site in order to access the worksheets so we have added the links for these on Google Classroom. They cannot be accessed online anymore. The units also link with BBC Bitesize if you do want any additional learning resources.
Please get in touch if you are having trouble accessing your Google Classroom account. Details of how to do this are further down our class page, if you scroll down. The school email address is:
Have you watched the BBC Punctuation clips yet? Please make sure you do this in the next few days. When you have punctuated your best diary pages, please find one you are happy to share and upload it to Google Classroom.
Please also check that you have completed all the tasks in the Talk for Writing Pack. It will take you a few days.
We would love to see photos of some of your work, especially your information poster about trolls.
Here are some activities to help you learn more about VE Day. I will be helping my boys complete them at home and thought it would be lovely if you could join in. Print and complete, or have a notepad / homework book handy to write your answers down.
VE Day Activities
There are lots more activities like these on the twinkl website. It is free to use at the moment.
We would love to see and share your VE Day photos. Will you dress up? Dance the Lindy Hop? Bake a cake? Make and display bunting? Please add your events to your diary too. Photos and work can be uploaded to the VE Day assignment on Google Classroom, or sent to
Wishing you all a lovely day on Friday. 🇬🇧 😄👗👔🎉🇬🇧🎼
Improving PunctuationWatch these clips before you write your diary pages. Please take photos to show us your amazing work!
Mrs Dean's News
It’s been a very lively few weeks at home. The boys have enjoyed making things and planting seeds. Yohan has been busy creating items for the ‘Wishing Tree’ in Victoria Park. They have written letters and made beautiful drawings for friends, neighbours and grandparents. It has been lovely to have the time to do this. Who could you cheer up with a thoughtful, handwritten letter? You could post it on your daily walk.
Sol turned ten. He said it was his ‘best birthday ever!’ Special memories spending time together. We are looking forward to lots of cycling. We surprised him with a new bike (the correct size for him at last!) Yohan is excited to have Sol’s old one. Now we can all ride together whilst we have time.
Keeping in touch
It is lovely to see so many of you adding wonderful pieces of work on Google Classroom. This is the easiest way for you to keep in touch with us as we can quickly deliver your feedback, but you can also send work, photos, questions or even a letter by e mail to
Hearing from you really makes us smile and helps us to know that you are ok. We love seeing your artwork, baking, new skills, pets and lockdown fun as well as your wonderful home learning.
We are incredibly proud of everyone who has been 'handing in' work on Google Classroom or sharing examples by email. The quality of many of the assignments is superb and really highlights how the extra time and support is having a positive on learning and creativity. Some of you are learning so many new skills on the computer as well as showcasing what you have tried out before in class. Just logging onto Google Classroom and uploading work is a remarkable achievement! Huge thanks to all the adults at home who have stepped into the role as 'teacher' and supported the research and completion of tasks. We are so impressed and grateful for everything you are doing.
I hope to read this book one day! What a thorough and entertaining review! I particularly liked all the ‘wow’ vocabulary you spotted. Fantastic to see you building vocabulary skills whilst at home (without your Magpie Book!) Fantastic, Hannah! 🤩
Marnie's super book review might inspire you to read this book!
Jayden has been busy! 🐝
We are so impressed with all the assignments you have submitted, Jayden, as well as the extra learning you have been doing with your mum! Great job! You are definitely earning your X-box time! 🥇
Noufal’s thoughts about lockdown
Thankyou Noufal! We miss you, too!
I’m also missing Mrs Mcculloch’s cooking! Let’s see what some of our classmates have been up to in the kitchen...
Now my tummy’s rumbling...
Fantastic, Chef! 👍 You inspired me to make some sausage rolls with my boys. They looked equally delicious when they came out of the oven; they didn’t last long! 😋
Loveday’s delicious pasty. 👏👍
More delicious treats to make your mouth water!
(Cookies baked by Hannah!)
Home schooling can be fun! ☀️
Marnie's Garden News
Have you taken time out for yourself today?
Regular breaks are important. Try to get some fresh air each day. Even if it rains, a wander in your wellies with the people you love can be refreshing and relaxing. ☔️
Parents, you are doing a great job. It is lovely to see what everyone has been getting up to. Please don’t worry if some days don’t seem very productive. Keep making memories!
Week beginning 20.4.20
The weekly tasks that we have set for this week are:
1) Daily maths lessons on the 'WhiteRose' link below.
2) A 'Talk4Writing' task. Please read all the text and answer the questions that follow.
We hope that you have all had a wonderful Easter break and enjoyed fun times with your family, we certainly have. If you log into your google classroom account you can see some of the fun things that Miss Mann and her family have been doing while on lockdown. We'd love to see what you have been doing too!
Below is a link to some additional websites that you may like to visit. Please do not feel pressured to complete everything, they are here to use if you have time and want extra resources.
Remember to have lots of fun while at home, be kind to your family and enjoy a different kind of learning. We hope that we can all be back in the classroom together again very soon. We miss you!
Here are some activities for you to enjoy with your families over the Easter holiday. 😀
Easter Break!
The Year 3 team would like to wish you all a very 'Happy Easter'. It will be different to normal but please try to enjoy some relaxing time with your families and remember to have a break from your daily work routine. We will be in touch after the holidays! Stay safe!
April... A month of kindness. What can you plan to do to make someone smile?
St. Andrew’s Coronavirus Edition... One family, learning and having fun together (at a safe distance!)
Have you put a cheerful rainbow in your window? 🌈
9am PE with Joe!
Chalk Art
Remember, you can access Google Classroom at home, but you will need to sign in to your Google account with your staps e mail. Then type in your password. You can follow the link below.
Click on 'add account' if you are working on a device you haven't added your account on yet. You can then sign in. Once you are welcomed into your google account, you can click on the square of nine dots at the top right hand side. Google classroom will show as one of the available Apps. Click. You will then see our 'Classroom' Year 3 2019 LDLM. Click on this. You can then click on 'Classwork' to look at any assignments set.
If you are asked for a 7 digit class code to add 'Googleclassroom' please type: lyknjqj
We really enjoyed our day of Art today. A local artist, Yvonne Coomber inspired our floral designs for our Mother’s Day cards. Mums are in for a treat on Sunday!
Our atmospheric mixed media collages depict a scene from a rubbish dump in Nicaragua as part of our ‘Children of the World’ topic.
Science Week (9-13th March)
We had great fun starting our 'Garden Improvement Project' during science week. The children carefully weeded flower beds, prepared the soil and planted bulbs and seeds. Miss Dann and Helen have sketched on our mural design for the wall. (all the ideas were taken from the children's plans). When the rain stops, the children can begin painting the wall .
Our project will be on-going in the Summer term and we hope to plant many more seeds and create a reading corner. Watch this space!
Thank you to Helen, Kerry and Laura for your help and support this week and thank you to all who have donated resources for our whole school project.
We were very lucky to have Debbie and Suzanne in from 'Wild About Woods'. We learnt all about fire safety, how to light a fire, played a campfire game and also toasted marshmallows. Yum! Yum!
Activity Week!
The Year 3 and 4 children (who didn't go on the residential to 'Beam House') had a fabulous time in and around school. We painted pebbles and made sun spinners to go in the garden, had a trip to the cinema to watch 'Dr Dolittle' and went to Pizza Express to make a pizza. Unfortunately our planned trip to Mount Edgcumbe was rained off.
We also had time for 'Go Noodle' and some parachute games.
Welcome back to another fun filled, action packed term! We hope that you have all had a great half term break.
Gymnastics Sequences inspired by Loveday’s floor routine
On our School Book Day, we really enjoyed exploring the story of ‘The Swirling Hijaab’. It inspired some expressive and imaginative Drama.
Lunch at Lorenzo's Restaurant
The Year 3 class had an amazing lunch date at Lorenzo's restaurant on 5th February. We sampled a feast of various Spanish tapas dishes including; fish and meat paella, cheesy nachos with salsa and guacamole, chorizo, jalapeno peppers, olives, tortilla, mussels and even chocolate churros! The food was delicious and we had such a lovely experience at the restaurant.
We put our Spanish vocabulary to the test and spoke to the waiters in Spanish.
A huge 'THANK YOU' to all the staff involved, especially Shane the chef, Mike the boss and Jenny (who worked on her day off!)
We are all extremely grateful!
The Year 3 children worked extremely hard on a recent homework project; researching about different children's lives around the world. We were so proud of what they achieved that we wanted to share it.