Welcome to the Summer Term.
Our topic this term is Citius, Altius, Fortius - Faster, Higher, Stronger
Year 6 Leavers Assembly
Year 6 End of Year Awards
Many congratulations to Florence, Jacqueson andTabitha. You are all great role models.
Year 6 Water Fight
Monday of Spirituality Week in Year 6
Year 6 started the week creating a prayer space in the classroom, writing down 'Big Questions' they would like to discuss, writing a letter thinking about what advice God would give, and created artwork to inspire. A great start Year 6 - well done!
Year 6 Stalls at the Summer fair
What is Formulation? Science Investigation.
The children investigated different strengths of squash.
Window Cleaning & Gardening
Art Inspired by Greek Pottery and Mythological Creatures
Year 6 enjoying cricket in PE which included a session with a coach from Devon County Cricket
Year 6 preparing their banners for sports day
Well done Year 6. We were all very proud of your attitude and focus this week. You should ALL be very proud of yourselves.
Devon Cricket Engagement Day
Year 6 loved their hour with Jack from Devon Cricket. The session involved competition, key skills and team work. A big thank you to Jack and Devon Cricket!
New Chromebooks and Classification!
Year 6 tried out the new Chromebooks to learn about classification through a range of interactive games; then used their research skills to learn about micro-organisms.
Year 6 love competition, so as well as two very competitive games of Diamond Cricket, they really thrived at racing to see who could complete this Maths Challenge: Jigsaw Fractions by NRICH. Very impressed with their focus in our first week back!
Welcome to the Spring Term in Year 6
Our theme this term is:
Down in the Jungle
Our big question to answer is:
What is the environmental impact of mankind?
End of Term Awards and Indoor Rowing Success!
Congratulations to Christopher, Varnika and Hugo for winning en of term certificates for their resilience, determination and focus in their work. They have all work incredibly hard on their individual goals and and grown in self confidence as a result - well done!
What a way to end the term: Plymouth Schools Indoor Rowing Champions!
Audrey, Daria, Gabby, Leon, Freddie and Noah showed great team spirit, determination, competitiveness and superior strategic thinking to outperform the local competition.
Mr. Pope who took them said, “The fundamental difference was the way the team changed between rowers, working quickly and efficiently just like a F1 pit
In addition, Audrey, Noah and Freddie won individual races as well. We are all SO proud of you all!
Composing An Arpillera - a traditional Peruvian 3D textile
Year 6 worked collaboratively to create this amazing piece of art.
Placing Our Bug Hotels In The Garden And Writing Instructions
Design & Technology: Design a Bug Hotel for our local Living Things.
World Book Day
Well done for a fantastic assembly Year 6!
Science: Living Things & Their Habitats
As part of the unit of work, Year 6 carried out observational drawings and worked in groups to
identify lifecycles.
Internet Safety Day
Well done to our KS2 Fancy DressYear 6 winner, Medusa, and runner up ‘Peely’. Medusa, named after the Medusa Ransomware group, won an amazing piece of coding equipment called a Microbit. During the day year 6 shared their opinions on the future of education, the future of gaming, how to avoid online scams, and justified their thinking about AI and it’s potential impact on their future. A big thank you to Mrs Tamblyn for organising the day and providing the fantastic resources!
Number Day
To mark the NSPCC Number Day, the school took part in a number of Maths activities. Year 6 were challenge with some difficult problems to solve in order to work out a coded message. Most took on the 14-16 yr old challenge, working in groups, and solved it! They used the internet to help find some knowledge and used their developing reasoning skills to apply it. Wel done Year 6. You showed amazing resilience and perseverance!
Music - learning about traditional South American instruments & rhythms
Year 6 Rowing Experience with PSSP; Hockey Coaching from Stoke Damerel Community College.
Debate: Should Rainforests Be Utilised For Their Resources?
Year 6 have been looking at persuasive texts, including the model texts: Why CCTV should be mandatory in school corridors and classrooms; and the counter argument, Why They should not! What do you think?
Following this, one group were given the challenging task to write in favour of utilising the Rainforests, whilst the other group had to counter this view. There were some compelling arguments put forward for why it should stop immediately as well as arguments for why it should continue. The children’ s oracy skills were impressive and their writing after the debate demonstrated great research and writing ability - well done Year 6!
Do you like to Samba?
Year 6 have started their music unit. They enjoyed learning about the different instruments, beats and rhythms.
Dissecting and Identifying the Key Parts of a Plant
Year 6 enjoyed learning about the lifecycle of plants, the power of microscopes, and the importance of detailed observation and illustration.
Passing Practice in Hockey
Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 6
Shh...The Walls Have Ears!
Welcome to Year 6's Webpage.
As we begin our Autumn term of 2023 with a brand new enthused class of pupils,
we launch straight into our creative curriculum theme of 'Shh..The Walls have Ears'.
We all will embark on a World War 2 historical journey which will interweave
within our Literacy, Art & Design, Music and Dance, History and Geography and
even forge a strong connection to our Science module of 'Forces'. Both within our
creative artwork and history research, we shall focus on impact of Plymouth in the Blitz, alongside delving deep into our English novels to help answer the Big Question:
Are all people treated fairly?
Read our Curriculum Letter and view the Autumn Curriculum Poster below for more detail
End of Term Assembly
Well done to Mia and Theo for their certificates in Reading and Writing. A wonderful effort by Leon for his WOW certificate. He took part in the Santa Fun Run and ran the 3 mile adult course!
Christmas hats, Christmas cards and tree decorations
Year 6 were very committed to their ‘Create a Christmas tree decoration’ homework - the creativity was very impressive! They also enjoyed making hats for our Christmas lunch and cards for parents and carers. We hope you liked them.
Investigating Water Resistance
Year 6 Autumn Term Assembly and Baking
Year 6 enjoyed making Rock cakes as part of their Shh…The Walls Have Ears unit. They performed a fantastic assembly that included reading out their writing, dancing the Lindy Hop and serving parents, and the local community, their delicious cakes. Derek, our local volunteer, was presented with a booklet of letter writing from Year 5 & 6 to say thank you for sharing his experiences during World War Two.
We were delighted and privileged to welcome a local visitor and friend of St Andrew’s to talk about their experiences of World War 2
It was an honour to hear Derek’s personal memories about his evacuation to Plymouth and his time during the Nazi air raids. The children asked many excellent questions and Derek left them with an abundance of first hand knowledge with which they can take and use in their History and English topics. Thank you so much Derek!
Derek is also a volunteer helper in Year 6: on Monday afternoons he listens to the children read, discusses their understanding of their book and helps develop their love of reading.
Year 6 learning the Lindy Hop and how to efficiently sweep up leaves!
Upper Junior Trip to The Box to enhance our learning of how WW2 affected Plymouth
Life on The Ocean Wave
Sponsored by Millfields Inspired and The Island Trust, Year 6 had a very inspiring day learning about what life could be like on the ocean: They looked at what different maritime careers and opportunities are available to them, and sang sea shanties; learnt about different types of seaweed and what properties they have; how plankton is essential to our food chains and the effects that microplastics are having on these systems; and a final activity that included a very competitive treasure hunt and knot-tying competition!
World War Two Art
The children studied a variety of WW2 artists and were tasked with copying their style when painting portraits of people from that period.
Investigating Friction
Using the ICT Suite to research the historical context and key events of WW2
Given key events alongside a specific time period, the class worked in 3’s to gather notes with which to report back to the class in order to complete their timeline.
School Council Presentations
Those that wanted to, presented their pitches for membership of the School Council. All the children that presented were great orators and were very persuasive. The vote was close and we now have our two new Year 6 representatives. Well done!
The class practised their oracy skills by reading out their work.
In preparation for writing a diary from the point of view of a character in Letters from a Lighthouse, children were gathering evidence for how certain characters maybe be feeling, or what they may be thinking, about events so far.
Mount Batten Watersports & Activity Centre
The children had a thoroughly good day, learning about water confidence and water safety. So many challenged themselves and over came a fear of water which was inspiring to watch. We finished the day with a tour of the Mount Batten Tower and the history of the area that dates back to the 17C. Should make for a good piece of independent writing on Monday!
Rugby in P.E
Using the World Cup for inspiration, the class were learning some of the fundamentals about passing. We finished up with a competitive challenge which they all loved!
Friday Football - this week has been fantastic and we finished it off with our first P.E lesson which focused on key skills, finishing off with three competitive games!
The Class of 2023 / 2024!