Have a fabulous holiday, Year 3. You have all made fantastic progress and should be so proud of everything you have achieved. We look forward to seeing you in September as Year 3 and 4 go 'Back to the Stone Age!'
Some of our wonderful memories from an exciting and active year of learning and fun in Year 3. We hope you enjoy looking through some of our lively photos!
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Year 3 Dance at Central Methodist Hall
As part of the BBC's 'Ten Pieces' Project, the children were invited to choose their favourite piece of music and produce a 'creative response'.
Choreographing our stunning class dance for the BBC Ten Pieces Project.
Our exciting archery session.
Our amazing needlework, inspired by the Bayeux Tapestry. Year 3 really showed off their creative talents during this fun but challenging project.
Making the paper prototypes for our felt Viking images.
Gymnastics skills!
Our 'Caterpillar Project' started with us having 5 tiny caterpillars. They munched their way through lots of food and grew to 10 times their original size. They then formed chrysalides and transformed themselves into beautiful butterflies. When all had emerged we fed them with orange and sugary water before setting them free.
We had a very exciting day at the 'Stonehouse Tennis Club' where we took our butterflies to be set free. We enjoyed a picnic in the gardens, played tennis, football and did some skipping. We then walked up to Devil's Point and did some sketches of the beautiful scenery. A fabulous day!
During science the children constructed simple circuits and made their own switches to go in them.
The Year 3 and 4 classes had an exciting morning with students from the UTC teaching then all about chemical and electrical energy. The children worked in partners to create to different powered vehicles. The first was constructed using CD's, a pencil, two cotton reels, washers and an elastic band. The cars were powerful and raced quite far when the band was twisted. The second was made from a cardboard template, wooden wheels, axels and a compartment for the power source! The power was created by adding an Alka Seltzer to a small amount of vinegar and placing it in an old film case. The children loved to watch these chemical explosions. We had great fun racing these vehicles.
The children had a great time celebrating 'Armed Forces Week' with a trip to the 'Royal Citadel'. They took part in a range of activities that included: an assault course, first aid training and learning about a range of firearms. A fabulous afternoon.
The Year 3 and 4 children had such fun on their residential to Escot. Here are just a few of the highlights.
Welcome back to an exciting Summer term. We have lots of fabulous opportunities coming up throughout our new topic 'Valiant Vikings'.
Today we had a fantastic Viking themed day where the children dressed up and were able to use their helmets and shields that they made in school. Thank you so much to all parents for your support with costumes. The children look absolutely stunning as Viking warriors. They learnt all about life during the Viking times, listened to a range of stories and then created freeze frame pictures of some of the scenes.
During the afternoon we made apricot oatcakes, just like the Vikings used to. They were delicious!
We also played a trading game where half the class were Vikings and half were Anglo-Saxons. The children had to be farmers and various tradesmen producing a range of items to trade. They had to barter and trade their items and we recorded the score at the end. The Vikings were very good at trading, because they were so vicious.
We had great fun making our shields and helmets for our Viking day. We designed symmetrical shields and used similar ideas to the Vikings. We painted our designs on neatly and tried to make them look as authentic as possible.
Our helmets were made by doing paper mache over balloons. We had to add several layers to make them strong enough. We painted them in silver or grey paint, cut out shapes for the eyes and added studs for effect.
We love practical science! Here we are testing how different surfaces affect the distance that a car travels. With big bubble wrap the car didn't move at all. There was too much surface area causing friction. The shiny plastic surface allowed the car to travel the furthest. This was because there was very little friction slowing it down.
Happy Easter Year 3! It has been a fantastic Spring term and we are delighted with everyone's learning and progress. You have made 'Children of the World' a really enjoyable and memorable topic. We look forward to seeing you after the holiday for some adventures within our new topic 'The Valiant Vikings'.
Have a look at home for your Anglo Saxon costumes from the Autumn term; we will be making helmets and accessories to create characters for our next learning journey. We have some exciting trips and creative days planned!
Easter Homework
This holiday, we would like you to polish your 'time' skills. We have some tasks for you to complete, but the best way to practise is keep telling the time whenever you are near a clock! You should also receive your letters in the post, so please write an interesting reply! To allow time to do these tasks thoroughly and enjoy a relaxing break, we will save our 'bumper spelling test' for the 2nd week of term. Have a wonderful time and we will look forward to hearing all your news when we return on Monday 11th April. (Please remember your PE kit!)
Our Easter egg hunt was lots of fun!
We had a fabulous trip down at the Brittany Ferries port. We learnt about all that is involved to make the journeys run smoothly. We had a tour of the ferry and even got the chance to sit in the captains chair!
We wrote a letter to someone in our class for homework. We have now sent the letters. Look out for the post!
Annabelle has been busy making these delightful Easter chicks with her mum using papier mache and french knitting techniques. What a treat for the staff! We love them, thankyou!
'Ten Pieces' Finale at Central Methodist Hall
We will be performing our Mozart Horn Concerto Dance on Wednesday 27th April. All the other schools who have been working on their 'creative responses' to one of the Ten Pieces will also be taking part in the 'finale'. Unfortunately, there will not be space for parents to join us on this day, but we will arrange a time to perform in school.
You can see video clips of other pupils' responses on the BBC Ten Pieces website, where you can also listen to and download the music if you would like to practice. (Go to 'Primary' and the music is under 'Key Stage 2 lesson resources'). Click on this link to be taken to our music directly.
A closer look at those fantastic 'Last Supper' paintings, inspired by Leonardo da Vinci
A special 'Congratulations! and Wow!' to Charlotte, who received a special certificate for her Artwork. Her interpretation of the Last Supper was so detailed, it even showed clearly the expressions of shock and sadness on the disciples' faces!
This week's spelling were tricky! Our trophy winner was the only speller with full marks! Wow!
Some of this term's award winners! A special certificate for the children who wrote and shared thoughtful disciple's letters in church at our Easter service. They did such a great job reading so confidently in the pulpit.
A huge 'well done' to Alex, Nat, Zech and Harry who collected over 40 merit counters this half term.
Mad Science Day!
We all had great fun dressing up as 'Mad Scientists' for the day.
We investigated the effect of sugar on teeth by placing hard boiled eggs (representing our teeth) in milk, water, cola, blackcurrant, vinegar and orange juice. We will find out the results next week!
During the afternoon the children were involved in a range of fun and exciting science activities. A great day was had by all
We experimented with magnets, created electrical circuits, tested propellers, rockets and parachutes and made bubbles of varying shapes and sizes.