Welcome to Year 1
Welcome to the Summer Term!
This term our topic is 'On the Farm'. We have so much interesting learning planned and will explore:The journey of food from farm to fork; farms in the UK and St Lucia; healthy eating and food waste; seasonal change and science investigations based on plants and conditions for growth; the artist Vincent van Gogh; observational drawing and painting of plants; and will even grow our own vegetables!
Welcome to the Spring Term!
Our topic this term is 'Where We Live': We will be looking at the human and physical geography of Plymouth; investigating significant historical figures such as Sir Francis Drake and Grace Darling; learning about the work of the RNLI; studying the work of the artist Brian Pollard; using books such as The Three Little Pigs and The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch to inspire our writing; and using our investigation skills in science.
Autumn Term 2018
Here are some website links for phonics games.
Wednesday 5th September
The children have begun to settle well into year 1. They have told me all about themselves and enjoyed exploring their new environment.