Big Question: Where does our food come from and how can we make sure that there is enough for everyone?
This term we will be learning about how our food gets from farms all the way to our forks! We will compare and contrast farming in the UK with farming in St. Lucia and will also look at how plants grow.
Picnic for Design and Technology
We have each designed a healthy sandwich. First, we tasted different breads and fillings then we were careful to cut up the food, spread the butter and created our designs. Finally, we enjoyed a picnic outside with our friends.
Paignton Zoo
Year one had an amazing day at Paignton Zoo. We enjoyed the animals, feeling the snake skin and being entertained by the gorilla. The children were well behaved and lots enjoyed the journey on the coach too.
In Science we have been looking at trees and asking ‘Are all trees the same?’. We have been able to identify some of them by the shape of the leaves.
This week we have had healthy week in school. We have had cheerleading, cycling with Dr Bike and we made smoothies using pedal-power. We enjoyed Sports Day on Wednesday and we all did so well, working with our teams to get points.
In Maths we have been looking at half and quarters. We shared sweets into half (two equal groups) then cut toast into quarters (four equal groups).
In English we have been learning about non-fiction text. We have looked through books and found some features such as contents, index, page numbers and photos. We collected some facts from our topic books.
In our computing lessons we have been learning how to create pictures and then animate them. We used to draw self portraits and then uploaded our images to Sketch MetaDemoLab where we animated them. We were all so excited to see our pictures come to life!
Celebrating the King’s Coronation!
Our beans are really starting to grow!
Spring Term theme - Changing homes, changing times.
Our big question: How can I be an agent of change?
Welcome back. We trust you had a great Christmas break and are ready for the new term.
This term we are looking at how our homes have changed over time.
We will be looking at recycling and the work of Greta Thunberg in seeking change.
Our PE days stay as Wednesday and Friday.
Please ensure you have a P.E. kit and it is kept in school.
Please ensure all clothes and personal items are labeled.
Curriculum Poster Changing homes changing times Spring 2023 Y1
In Year 1 we showed full, empty and half full using water and different size containers.
We are authors. In Year 1 we wrote our own books and illustrated them.
In English we wrote our own stories and made them into books. We read our stories to the children in Foundation.
In Year 1 we have been learning to be ‘agents of change’. We had a visit from El from Clean Our Patch. They took us down to West Hoe Park where we cleaned up using pickers. On the way we cleaned up the streets too. Once the Park was spotless and clean we had a play to reward all our hard work.
World Book Day 2023 📚
World Book Day started with a crime scene in Year 1 today! We came into class to discover all of our books had been stolen! We found some clues hidden nearby, then had to work out which story they belonged to. After hearing the story of Burglar Bill we made our own Wanted posters to track down Burglar Bill and Burglar Betty and hopefully get back our stolen books!
We chose a book from the book swap shop and then shared a story with children from Year 4
We also created pictures of our favourite stories!
100 days of school!
We have had 100 days in Year 1!
We have survived 100 days!
100 cheerio necklace!
We are 100 days smarter!
Some of us feel 100 years old!
What a lovely grandad!
So beautiful!
What a lovely grandma!
We wrote 100 words.
We played a race to 100 game.
We read a 100 word story.
Treasure Hunt. We had a treasure hunt around the school. We followed the clues and had to do the challenges to get a prize.
We enjoyed pancakes on Pancake Day. We could choose lemon and sugar or honey. They were yummy!
Can we have fun without electricity? We played with some traditional toys and games.
This term we have been working on our football skills!
Holly Ryan, author of Never Mess with a Pirate Princess, came to visit us. She helped us to create our own story and we asked her lots of questions!
Clean Our Patch
El from Clean Our Patch read Year 1 the story ‘ The Adventures of Scout’ and challenged the children to design a poster that would encourage people to not drop litter.
In Maths we have been looking at numbers to 20. We sorted odd and even numbers to 10 then used a 10-frame to find ways of making 10 using odd numbers.
We have spotted some super writing this week!
Min-Jie wrote some super extended sentences!
Nana has also impressed us with her sentences!
Look at Layla’s beautiful handwriting!
Min-Jie’s letter formation is perfect!
In D&T we have been making a chassis for our vehicle 🚗
Here are some of the vehicles we designed.
Autumn Term theme- Where we Live
Our big question- What does it mean to belong to a diverse community?
Welcome to Year 1, we hope you have had a lovely summer holiday and are ready for a busy term of learning all about our local area! Our Year 1 teachers are Mrs Oliver and Mrs Tamblyn and our Teaching Assistants Mrs Haywood and Ms Mallard.
Key information: Our PE days are on a Wednesday and a Friday. Homework and spellings are given out on a Friday and collected in on a Wednesday. Please make sure you have a reading book in school every day.
We have been busy sorting letters with 2D shapes on them into our postboxes!
We are reading The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. In Science, we looked at different ways of keeping Mr Grinling's hot chocolate warm. We had a taste of the hot chocolate and it was delicious!
Children in Need 2022
We all wore spots or mufti to school
Yum yum!
We had delicious Pudsey Bear biscuits
We hope we raised lots of money for Children in Need!
In computing we have been making our own digital artwork!
Year 1 visit Mount Edgecumbe
In September we went to Mount Edgecumbe for a day trip with the whole school. It was a fantastic day! We walked with Year 6 and enjoyed a ride on the boat. We explored the rockpools, paddled our toes and enjoyed a look through the gardens. The children were so well behaved and we all had a great day.
Bug Hotels
In Science, Year 1 have been learning about habitats and this week we built our own bug hotels. The children had fun collecting leaves and twigs then thinking about which bugs they would like to welcome. We look forward to hearing about bugs who have moved in!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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