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Year 3

We wish you all a very 'Happy and Relaxing Summer Holiday'. We are touched by very thoughtful and generous gifts and cards that you have given us. Thank you so much, we will certainly treasure them. 

Best wishes,

Miss Mann, Mrs Dean and Miss Jones

Farewell Y3... Thank you for a wonderful year!

Our amazing needlework, based on the Bayeux Tapestry. Wow!

It’s almost the end of Year 3! Congratulations Kayla, our Star of the Year. Also at our end of Year service, we said ‘thank you’ to Mrs Miller for her amazing voluntary work in the school and library over the last fourteen years.

Fun in Wake ‘n’ Shake Club

Cece showed us her new Majorettes costumes. 

Meeting Simon James and habitat hunting in the school grounds.

The final stages of our 'Victoria Park Project'

The children have had great fun working on a large mosaic butterfly and insect themed bird feeders. When all was complete, we had our final trip to the park last week to display what had been made. It was a thoroughly enjoyable project and we hope to continue supporting the park at a later date. Please pop down and see what we've created. (behind the cafe and cycle track). We're very proud of what we've achieved.

Memories of our residential trip to Escot 

Sleeping in yurts, exploring the maze, den building, delicious food, making things in the Anglo-Saxon Village, camp fire talent show, swamp walk, drop slide, beautiful wildlife... the list goes on!

Such a privilege to take part in such an adventurous, team-building experience. 

Mount Batten Beach and Pizza Express

The children who did not go on the school residential to 'Escot' had plenty of fun back in Plymouth. We ventured to Mount Batten beach via the ferry on Wednesday 13th June and had fun making and eating pizzas at pizza express on Thursday. We're very excited about watching 'Peter Rabbit' at the cinema tomorrow, with the Foundation class. 

Concert at the Guildhall 4.6.18

We were invited to the Guildhall to watch the Royal Marines Band perform. It was an incredible concert and we were surprised how much atmosphere was created by the instruments. Some pieces were peaceful and even made some of us feel sad, but many of the tunes created such a happy mood. We just had to clap along and were even encouraged to dance! We rocked and sang along to some famous ‘Queen’ songs and could recognise some of the music from ‘Westside Story’. There were some fun tunes played, too. Lots of us liked the part when the Postman Pat theme tune filled the hall. There was even a postman and a postbox to entertain us! 

Royal Marines Band

Mrs Welsh wondered if we could film some of our responses to the concert. When we got back to school, we turned our classroom into a quiet studio and put our oracy skills into practice. We tried to speak clearly, use precise vocabulary and face the camera confidently. 

Sharing opinions about the concert by the Royal Marines Band

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'Victoria Park Project'

The Year 3 have been involved with a very exciting project with Victoria Park. In school we have been designing bug gardens, bug hotels, caterpillar mosaics and much more! 

On Wednesday 23rd May our class walked to Victoria Park. We had a fabulous day painting the crate box caterpillar and filling it with flowers. We also made a bug hotel and planted lots of bulbs around the wooded area of the park. We enjoyed a picnic underneath the trees and luckily had time to have free play in the park. 

After half term we will return to the park taking our mosaic butterfly and insect bird feeders. We can't wait!

Releasing our Butterflies

We were so fortunate to be able to watch some caterpillars change into cocoons and then emerge as butterflies. It was an amazing transformation to be able to observe. When they were ready we released them into the school garden.

Our St Andrew's Royal Cream Tea

‘Victorious Vikings’ Class Assembly 9.5.18

Well done, Year 3! You all put so much effort and energy into your class assembly. We are so proud of your superb shield homework, creative costumes, helmets skilfully made in class, teamwork, tuneful singing, clear speaking and all-round fabulousness!!  There are some photos below and a few video clips for the parents who were unable to make it. Prayers can be found on the Christian Values page. Click on a value to find a prayer. You might spot yourself in a photo whilst browsing!


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Do you hear the Vikings sing?

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Welcome back to the Summer Term!

We hope that you all had a superb Easter break and feel refreshed and ready for an exciting new term ahead.

This term our topic is 'The Victorious Vikings and the Victoria Park Project'. Watch this space for up-dated photos.

Brittany Ferries 

We were extremely lucky that our Brittany Ferries visit was postponed from last term. When we finally boarded the ship it was a gloriously sunny day and we were fortunate to be on board ship while the boat was moved out of the dock and turned around. We imagined that we were on a foreign cruise! smiley

Wishing you all a very happy Easter break!

Easter Celebrations

Around the World - Topic Day

We had great fun playing games from around the world, flamenco dancing with Miss Mallard and having a feast of delicious foods from various continents. Thank you to all the parents who provided food on this day, we greatly appreciate it.

Celebration Assembly

World Book Day - March 2018

Egypt Links

Our Talent Show Stars!

Gymnastics Skills; Paired Counterbalances