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Year 4


Welcome to the Summer Term


The Vikings are coming!!!!

The class have made the most of the sunshine and have been developing their athletic skills.


With the fine weather continuing, we developed our catching and batting skills too.

Happy New Year


Welcome back to 2018 and our brand new topic-


Children of the World





The children have been having a great time this term. Here are just some of the things they have been getting up to. Click on the video links below and throughout the page to see more!


Click below!   Click Below!   Click Below!

Video links above       Video links above     Video links above

The children enjoyed being outside and discussing the symbolism of water. They wrote down different ideas in chalk and then washed them away, leaving the two that they believed were most important.

The class used different equipment to measure area and perimeter. Outside, we used the measuring wheels.

The children have been really enjoying their tag rugby this term.

The class enjoyed using water colours and were representing the different aspects of Spirituality.

Once again, the class were superb in their Children of the World Assembly.

We were very fortunate to visit the PIETY Centre. After a lovely long walk in the sunshine, we were treated to a great tour and information session by Hichem.

We were very honoured to be sung the Muslim call to prayer. 

The video link explains the story behind the prayer and Hichem singing.

All the class enjoyed their 10 minute circuits with the Olympian High Jumper

We were visited by Raina this week, who told us all about Islam. 

Welcome Back !

This term, our topic is all about the Anglo-Saxons.

We will be making a Saxon village, singing songs, performing poetry and much, much more.


Be ready for Digidog!

As part of our ongoing commitment to e-Safety, the children will be bringing Digidog home this year. Every week, a child is selected to look after him, to show how they keep safe when using technology at home. Some pictures and brief words would be great and we can showcase the

'Digidog Diaries' here.

School Council Elections


The class thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the democratic process last week. They all thought about the skills and qualities needed as a School Council member and nine children bravely put themselves up for election.


The children had a maximum of 30 seconds to pitch their reasons for being elected.


Waiting patiently, the class voted at the class Polling Station by placing an X against the name of one boy and one girl. 


The outcome of the vote was announced at the end of the day once all the ballot papers had been checked. There was only one vote between the winners.


Watch the videos as the drama unfolded through the day!

Games and P.E.


The class have had a very active start to the term and we have been lucky to get outside to play some games and start developing tennis skills.





Learn ‘as’ spellings and write an accurate sentence for each word in your yellow homework books.


Practise your 2,5,10 and 3 and 4 times tables.


Answer at least 12 column addition and subtraction questions on the square paper. As in class, if you find A too easy move onto B. If you are finding B not too challenging, move onto C. Try to answer a word problem as well. Please number your questions. BE careful - the questions swap between + and - !


Use the examples above the questions to remind you of the methods.




EA word spellings. Write a sentence for each word. Spelling test every Wednesday. Complete activity sheet attached in your homework book.


Times table test on 2,5,10.


Topic work: Design and make a Saxon outfit. Examples will be attached to look through for guidance. You have over 3 weeks for this to be completed and the outfits will be worn on our visit on 4th October.























Carpe Diem !

Welcome to the Romans




Super Sports


A super time was had by all at Stoke Damerel College!

Roman Scroll Making

The children wrote diary entries as if they were survivors of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. They then had great fun making Roman Scrolls to publish their work.

Measuring, cutting and creating the Roman Scrolls in DT and English.

Performance Poetry Videos


The class really enjoyed performing the poem 'Don't' by Michael Rosen.



The children have really developed their clarinet skills this term.




The class have learnt about the Last Supper and have been thinking about what they would stand up for.


The Last Supper recreation.

Roman Visitor

The class has a great visit from a Roman. They learnt about Roman soldiers and even tried some marching.


Our Roman visitor

VIDEOS Roman Assembly VIDEOS


The children were brilliant in their assembly, learning the songs and their words.

The Roman Assembly

Salad Time


The class really enjoyed making a salad for the school competition. It was so good that they won!

Welcome to the Summer Term and our exciting new topic all about the Romans.


If you missed our Curriculum letter and information about the term ahead, then please click on the following links.


We will be learning all about Roman soldiers, Roman Numerals, Gladiators and Roman entertainment, Mosaics, the invasion of Britain and the entire rise and fall of

the Roman Empire.


********Our Roman Assembly is in 2 weeks time on Wednesday 17th May at 9.10*******


Please use the links at the end of our Roman pages to find helpful websites for homework and further learning.


The Romans used to speak a version of an old language called Latin. Many words in English today have their history in these original Latin words.

How many can you find on these class pages?









Primo et Secundae Septem

Septem I & II

It has been a great start to the term and the class are well underway with their learning.



We have had 2 great clarinet lessons.

The children have also been learning some great Roman songs to enhance their understanding of Roman life. You will hear some of these performed at their assembly.

Try this link to see the class singing a round.Next week they will be playing it on their clarinets.



The class have been learning the Roman Numerals and can now identify and write any number up to 2017. We have been reviewing our learning from the start of September and are having a problem solving activity each week.



 In English, we have been watching the performance poetry of Michael Rosen and are using this as a stimulae for creating our own poetry that we can perform. Check out our videos of us recreating 'Don't!'

Try these links!



Institutionem religiosam

In RE, the class have been thinking about Easter. They have discussed the main parts of Holy Week and made links to the Last Supper and how Christians remember Jesus today through

Holy Communion.



Ipsum Dolor

In PE we have been playing tennis and practising our ball skills. We have been learning how to count the numbers to improve our rallies.

Try this link too...