Dear Parents, 28.05.2020
Arrangements for the week beginning Monday June 1st
Providing the Government confirm it is safe to do so, St Andrew’s CE (VA) Primary is planning to reopen the week beginning Monday 1st June for pupils in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 6 who have not attended school since Friday 20th March. School staff have been working hard to respond to this Government’s aspiration and put in place an offer that keeps everyone as safe as possible.
Our offer is as follows:
- Children in Y6 may attend school from 08.45 until 15.15 on Monday and Tuesday. Y6 pupils are to access the school building via the Gooseberry Lane gates. A member of staff will be on the playground side of the gates to welcome your child into school. Parents are asked to observe social distancing and not enter the playground. The Y6 will be organised into two groups of 13 and will be working in either the Y6 or Y5 classroom. The groups will have separate breaks and lunchtimes and will not mix.
- Children in YR may also attend school from 08.45 until 15.15 on Monday and Tuesday. Foundation (YR) children are to access the school building via the Citadel Road gates. A member of staff will be on the playground side of the gates to welcome your child into school. Parents are asked to observe social distancing and not enter the playground. The YR will be organised into groups of 8 and will be working in either the YR, Y1 or Y2 classroom. The groups will have separate breaks and lunchtimes and will not mix.
- Children in Y1 may attend school from 08.45 until 15.15 on Thursday and Friday. Y1 children are to access the school building via the Citadel Road gates. A member of staff will be on the playground side of the gates to welcome your child into school. Parents are asked to observe social distancing and not enter the playground. The Y1 will be organised into groups of up to 15 and will be working in either the YR, Y1 or Y2 classroom. The groups will have separate breaks and lunchtimes and will not mix.
- If your child has accessed or is currently accessing Educare (school for children of Key Workers), they will remain in this group and continue to enter school via the main entrance. In line with DFE guidance, they will not be able to join any children who are accessing school for the first time since March. Children in Educare will be able to follow the same learning as their peers. Unlike the offer to Y6, Y1 and YR, Educare will continue to be available on a daily basis as you require and is guaranteed. Please use the SchoolMoney system to book in.
All children will need to wear school uniform and bring a packed lunch or order a packed lunch from school. If you collect a weekly school food parcel, please make a packed lunch from these provisions to send in with your child. Please send your child in with a water bottle and a snack.
It is important to point out that the decision to send your child back to St Andrew’s is entirely yours to make. Attendance is not compulsory and penalty notices and fines for non-attendance will not be issued. We all look forward to a time when we can get back to normal and be together again.
Take care from Mrs Allchurch.