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Arrangements from Tuesday 5th January 2021.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Re: Coronavirus update – school closure to most pupils

Following on from the Government announcement last night, I am writing to let you know that school will be closed to almost all children after Tuesday 5th until further notice.


As advised by the government, we will do all we can to stay open for the children of key workers (e.g. NHS staff, police, others in frontline services) and children with certain needs.


If your child has a place:

  • Use the front entrance/main reception area to drop and collect your child each day
  • Educare starts at 08.50 and ends at 15.15
  • A hot lunch will be available to order 
  • Full school uniform must be worn
  • Bring a named water bottle 

What we will continue doing while your child is at home

Your child’s learning is of course important to us, so we will continue to help your child to learn. 
Our plan for continuing education remotely is as follows:

Pupils can find work set for them on their class pages on our website or on Tapestry (YF & Y1) or on Google Classroom (Y2-6). They can also access Mathletics and Spelling Shed using their own individual log ins. Pupils have a reading book and will be able to complete work set in their homework books as well as online. Paper packs will be available on request.

We ask parents to support children in completing work and ask that you mark as you go along. Teachers will also provide feedback.
Parents and pupils will be able to contact the school and their teacher(s) via 

If your child usually receives free school meals we will also be in touch with more information about how we will continue to provide this service.


What we will not be able to go ahead with:-
We will need to cancel or postpone:
•    School trips 
•    Breakfast and after-school clubs, including Kids Club


We appreciate your continued patience as we deal with this ever-changing situation. We understand that this latest news will have an impact on you and your family and it is far from ideal, but we will continue to keep in touch with any updates as the situation develops.

If you want to get in touch to share any concerns, please do not hesitate to do so via 

Thank you again for your continued understanding and support. We will be in touch with more information when we can.

Best wishes

Mrs Annmarie Allchurch
