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Reopening St Andrew's for YR, Y1 and Y6

St Andrew’s CE (VA) Primary School

School Reopening Arrangements Information for Parents


School Organisation

Daily arrangements

Hand sanitiser, soap and water will be provided in every classroom. Pupils will wash hands on entry and exit from the classroom. Before break and lunch. 


Additional disinfectant/cloths will be available in classrooms for staff to sanitise spaces throughout the school day as required.


Pupils will have their own stationery, supplies and will be encouraged not to share this.


Pupils will sit at own desks and not next to others.


Pupils in Foundation will work in small groups of 4 / 5 with access to supervised activities and resources. They will not experience a free-flow environment as before.



Parents and carers will not be allowed on site.

There should be one person designated for pick up and drop off. Please be respectful of this as it is the ‘most likely’ chance of Covid-19 entering the school grounds.


There will be a staggered start and end to the day to manage numbers coming into school.


If you wish to make contact with a member of staff, please email or phone the school office. If this cannot be done, please come to the school office – only 1 person in the school entrance at a time. 


There will be no Breakfast or After school club.


Pupils entitled to school lunches will be provided with a packed lunch from our school kitchen.


Staggered timetables throughout the school day will be put in place to ensure that social distancing measures can be maintained. 


Pupils will need a named drink bottle at school.


 Children will be taught in class sizes of up to 15, where we can maintain social distancing. They will stay within this group throughout the day. They will not mix with any other groups at lunch or playtime. They will be kept separate.


Where possible staff will teach their own classes. However, this may not always be possible due to staff absence and availability.



Classes will be split into two groups. Group A and Group B will be taught in different classrooms and will remain separate. Wednesday will allow the classrooms to be deep cleaned.


Pupils and staff will not attend if they are unwell. Pupils and Staff who become unwell during the school day will be firstly isolated then sent home. Parents will need to be contactable and quickly available to collect their child if they do feel ill.

In the playground

Movement and transitions

Cleaning and Hygiene

PE and playtime activities will be limited, and hygiene practice should be observed before and after play. There will be regular cleaning of any shared equipment. Children must wash hands before and after all breaks.


Children will not mix or play with other groups.


The types of play allowed will be different because of social distancing.

All non-essential curriculum activity both in and outside of school will be limited.

  • No whole school assemblies
  • No class/school trips will occur out of the school grounds
  • All movement around the school will be carefully timetabled


Toilets will be cleaned regularly.


Classroom surfaces and play equipment will be cleaned throughout the day.

We will continue to encourage good hygiene practices (coughing into your elbow, handwashing and drying)

Staff to wear PPE (aprons, gloves, masks) when providing intimate care (e.g. when a child wets or soils) and when providing first aid
