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September 2020 Arrangements

17th July 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Arrangements for the week beginning Monday 7th September 2020

It has been fantastic to see so many children at St Andrew’s since June 1st but we are really looking forward to welcoming everyone back in September. Providing the Government confirm it is still safe to do so, St Andrew’s CE (VA) Primary is planning to fully reopen the week beginning Monday 7th September for all pupils, old and new. School staff have been working hard to respond to this Government’s aspiration and put in place an offer that keeps everyone as safe as possible. 

Our offer is as follows:

Arriving at school and leaving school.  The times of the school day remain unchanged. A member of staff will be on the playground side of the gates to welcome your child into school. Parents are asked to observe social distancing and not enter the playground. Parents are also asked to communicate with teachers via email, telephone calls and notes in children’s bags. It is not possible for staff to talk to parents at the school gates or meet face to face in the current circumstances.

  • Y6 and Y5 will enter using the gate at the end of the KS2 playground by the container and vegetable garden
  • Y4 and Y3 will enter via the Gooseberry Lane gate
  • Y2 will enter via the gate opposite their classroom on Crescent Ave
  • Y1 will enter via the blue gate on Citadel Road
  • New Foundation children will enter via the blue gate on Citadel Road
  • All classes will leave by the same gates used to arrive
  • All classes will have separate breaks and lunchtimes and will not mix


Breakfast Club.  All children will need to be booked into breakfast club using the SchoolMoney booking system. There will be a maximum of 30 places. Breakfast Club will start at 08.00 each day.

Kids Club (After School Childcare) All children will need to be booked into Kids Club using the SchoolMoney booking system. There will be a maximum of 20 places. Kids Club will end at 17.30 each day to allow time for cleaning.

All children will need to wear full school uniform and bring a packed lunch or order a hot school lunch. If your child is in YF, Y1 or Y2, they are entitled to a Universal Free School Meal. Please send your child in with a water bottle.

Attendance from September 2020 is compulsory.

We are all looking forward to being ‘One family, Learning together’ again.

Take care and have a lovely summer break,

Mrs Allchurch
