Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope that you have all enjoyed a good summer break and are ready for the start of the new school year. After so many months of disruption, we are excited to have our St Andrew’s school family together again and look forward to welcoming everyone back and to meeting our new Foundation intake for the first time. The first day of the new school year is Monday 7th September for all pupils, old and new. School staff have been working hard over the summer and have put in place an offer that keeps everyone as safe as possible.
Arrangements for the start of the new school year - September 2020
Arriving at school and leaving school. So that the times of the school day can remain unchanged, we will be utilising all of our school gates at the start and end of the school day. Doing so will also help to ease congestion and minimise the chance of large groups gathering. We really appreciate your cooperation with this. A member of staff will be on the playground side of the gates to welcome your child into school. We are asking parents to observe social distancing and not enter the playground. Parents are also asked to communicate with teachers via email, telephone calls and notes in children’s bags. Unfortunately, it is not possible for staff to talk to parents at the school gates or meet face to face in the current circumstances.
Breakfast Club. All children will need to be booked into breakfast club using the SchoolMoney booking system by 12 noon on the previous Friday. There will be a maximum of 30 places. Breakfast Club will start at 08.00 each day. A member of the Senior Leadership Team will greet your child at the main entrance and send them into the hall for their breakfast. The children will remain seated in the hall until it is time to move to their classrooms.
Kids Club (After School Childcare) All children will need to be booked into Kids Club using the SchoolMoney booking system. There will be a maximum of 20 places. Kids Club will end at 17.30 each day to allow time for cleaning.
All children will need to wear full school uniform and bring a packed lunch or order a hot packed school lunch. The CATERed – Hot Packed Lunch Menu is on the school website. If your child is in YF, Y1 or Y2, they are entitled to a Universal Free School Meal. Please send your child in with their own named water bottle. Your child may bring a small bag or St Andrew’s book bag. All stationery will be provided and children do not need to bring a pencil case. Children from Y1-6 will need to wear their PE kit and not their school uniform to school on the day(s) that they have PE. Unfortunately, we will not be able to store children's bikes or scooters in school this term.
Attendance from September 2020 is compulsory. We want your child’s school experience to feel as normal as possible and we have a clear risk assessment and safety measures in place to ensure that they can learn in a positive and safe setting. We know that you will support us in this, but welcome any suggestions as we continue to review and refine our systems.
Best wishes,
Mrs Allchurch